Implementation of the state information security policy of Ukraine in the context of corruption prevention: administrative and legal aspect
O.R Shevchuk,N.F. Mentukh
Abstract:It is substantiated that the tasks of anti-corruption fight have the status of priority and national. The domestic legal framework on security issues should fix a clear establishment of the powers of state bodies, first of all security bodies, as well as promote interdepartmental coordination, including in the case of long-term aggression against our country, which has pronounced «hybrid» manifestations.It is established that the imperfect system of anti-corruption bodies, as well as the lack of a clear national an-ti-corruption policy and public authorities responsible for its implementation, are a significant factor in the devel-opment of Ukraine’s difficult situation in the field of corruption. Given the anti-corruption policy and its essence, functional purpose and powers, it is possible to divide the subjects of anti-corruption into basic groups of subjects, which form and ensure the implementation of national anti-corruption policy; the normative base of anti-corruption fight is created and improved.The authors concludes that in order to collect, store, analyze and summarize information on the facts of cor-ruption, including individuals and legal entities involved in corruption, in special units to combat corruption it is necessary to create and maintain operational records and centralized data banks.In the prosecutor’s office, it would be appropriate to maintain a single database on the state of anti-corruption, which should be formed on the basis of information provided by the prosecutor’s office, internal affairs and national security.Of course, in order to ensure the security of business activities, the law should now enshrine the obligation to publish information on convictions of corruption and other crimes in the economic sphere, as well as to bring indi-viduals to administrative responsibility for committing corruption offenses. In this regard, appropriate additions and changes should be made to a number of laws and, first of all, to the Law of Ukraine «On State Registration of Legal Entities, Individuals - Entrepreneurs and Public Associations» of May 15, 2003 No 755-IV. In particular, provide for the possibility of publishing in the registers of information about the potential danger of economic entities that act as contractors.