The institution of private property in the U.S. political and legal system of environmental protection
V.V. Mytoshop
Analytical and Comparative Jurisprudence
Abstract:The article is devoted to the study of the place of the institution of private property in the U.S. political and legal system of environmental protection. The institution of private property, having undergone a long evolutionary process, was crystallized in Roman law as «plena in re potestas» – the absolute power of the owner of a thing to do what he/she likes with it. Going through the next stages of legal and historical development, the institution received the conceptually new understanding during the 17th–18th centuries in the countries united under the general term «western civilization» which established the interrelation between natural law and positivist doctrines under the influence of active spread of humanistic ideas of the Enlightenment. The institution of private property became an integral part of the natural human rights, a guarantee of people`s liberties. In addition, this institution began to be considered, from the moral point of view, as one that forms a special attitude of the owner to his property, implies a thrifty and careful attitude towards it. As a result, private property was deemed a fundamental postulate used by the founding fathers of the United States of America during the creation of the country's Constitution, which continues to execute an extremely important role in the life of American society and activities of public authorities, which is especially evident in ensuring the functioning of the environmental protection system as well as the formation and implementation of the U.S. environmental policy. In this regard, it is relevant to study the positive experience of the United States of America with a view to its application in Ukraine.
Considering the special interrelation between nature use and private property, which can be traced back to the colonial period of the birth of American statehood, it is not surprising that it was established not only at the legislative level in the form of the constitutional human right protected and guaranteed by law, but also reflected on the level of the mentality of American society. As a result, private property and its owner are the basis of the U.S. environmental protection system, which is reflected in the positive results of state environmental policy based on the promotion of alternative private legal regimes of natural resource management.