Theoretical and practical problems of translation of folk texts
Iskakova G.Zh.,Ryspaeva D.S.,Akhmetova G.S.
Abstract:One of the problems of present time is the formation of the young generation as fully developed intelligent people, worthy of the interests of a new society, the education of national psychology, national identity, and the ability to distinguish between good and evil. From this point of view, the problem of studying folklore that is part of culture, including children’s folklore, has always been relevant and important in linguistics. After all, folklore is a source of folk wisdom that allows young people to understand the traditional worldview.This research is dedicated to the study of difficulties and effective ways of forming national values in the cognitive process of a child through the use of fairy tales and their translations. Texts of fairy tales of ethnic groups residing in Kazakhstan served as the research material.Currently, great importance is attached to the development and study of national languages, and it is very important to study peculiarities of a particular national system of thinking.In the course of the research there were identified in the folklore texts certain linguistic units reflecting the specifics of the worldview of a particular people; the researchers also analyzed how these language units function in the language and the peculiarities of rendering them into another language.In connection with the knowledge and perception of the world, the culture of each nation is isolated from the other culture. Therefore, the article analyzes the concepts of the language picture of the world, ethnic stereotypes, and defines the features of their translation.Literary text, including children’s folklore, is considered as a form of translation, and the main differences between the translation of literary text are revealed. The subject of the research is the peculiarities of the language of children’s folklore and methods of their translation. Three main approaches were used in translating children’s folklore, which were proved by examples. A comprehensive analysis of the totality of the ways and means of transmitting folklore in the language of the given national-cultural specificity and consideration of the issues and principles of translation into another language, identifying the linguistic and cognitive features of translation of folklore of the people of Kazakhstan determine the relevance of research.The article analyzes the principles of equivalence that are taken into account when translating folklore texts, as well as ways and means of translating linguistic and cultural features into another language. The work was carried out to collect, systematize and translate folklore material of the peoples living on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. As a result of comparative analysis of the language system of various ethnic groups, specific problems of translating folklore texts and the most effective mechanisms for transmitting source information in the target language are identified.