The theoretical fundamentals of the training the folk instruments orchestra conductor

Strilets Andriy
Abstract:Statement of the problem. The relevance of the topic is due to the current state of the training of the folk instruments orchestra conductors in the system of higher art education. High achievements of the modern Ukraine folk-academic musical art have significantly increased the requirements for a conductor as for a creative personality. However, currently the scientific sources devoted to the training of the folk instruments orchestra conductors are focused on certain professional components and presented in a small number (Murza, 2021; Gorbal, 2019, Biasutti, 2013; Adenot, 2015, and some others), and theoretical foundations of such training are barely presented in modern domestic scientific literature. The objective of the study is the theoretical recognizing and conceptualizing of the training process of the folk instruments orchestra conductor. The development of the topic required an interdisciplinary synthesis, including an appeal to the psychology of creativity, and the use of methods of activity, interpretive, communicative analysis. For the first time the methodic fundamentals of scientific and professional training of a young conductor is systematized in the study. Results. The article contains thematic blocks devoted to the conductor’s activity in the higher art education system (“Organizational principles”, “Content of conductor’s training”) and to the components of conducting activity (“Technology. Psychology. Conductor’s interpretation. Conductor’s thinking”). It was found that the content of the conductor’s training is revealed through the algorithm of conductor’s practical activity. The definition of the term “conducting” is given. It is proved that the specifics of the conductor’s activity at all its levels are revealed through interpretation as a way of thinking, ensuring the conceptualization of the latter in all participants in the creative process. Conclusions. The theoretical principles of the training of the folk instruments orchestra conductors are conceptualized as a system of three obligatory components: “conducting technology – psychology of a creative process – conducting interpretation”; its functioning ensured by organizational work. The qualitative result of the action of the specified system is the final insight leading to the fact of a concert performance revealing a high-level professional complex. All the aspects of the conductor’s practice are related to the processes of, on the one hand, performing thinking, on the other hand, communication. Conductor’s work as a guarantee of the success functioning of the orchestra provides a communicative connection between the music being represented and the listener. Quality sound and positive communication brings the training orchestra a different, higher status. In such conditions the creative maturity of each of the participants and especially the conductor’s one is being acquired. It must be mentioned that the proposed algorithm for the analysis of the conductor’s profession and the triangle “technology – psychology of a creative process – interpretation”, in our opinion, is versatile for musicians of any specialization. However, its projection on another field requires further research.
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