Features of teaching students in sports swimming techniques
I. Khimich,V. Parakhonko
DOI: https://doi.org/10.31392/npu-nc.series15.2023.3k(162).89
Abstract:The purpose of the work: to reveal the peculiarities of teaching students the technique of sports swimming. Methodology: theoretical research methods were used, in particular, the analysis and generalization of methodological, psychological-pedagogical and educational-methodical literature, which made it possible to determine the peculiarities of teaching students the technique of sports swimming. Scientific novelty: swimming, as a sport, is associated with the execution of cyclic movements, the main task of which is to achieve a high result. In terms of the number of Olympic medals won, swimming is second only to athletics, so swimming as an educational subject is one of the most important disciplines of the physical education course in higher education institutions. However, the content of training in this subject is not always in accordance with the modern theory of swimming. The forms and methods of teaching have been improved, the technique of sports swimming methods, starts and turns of the world's leading swimmers is being studied. One of the tasks of the article is to summarize the valuable work experience of domestic swimming sports specialists of the country's leading universities. Conclusions: optimization of the teaching of this discipline is important for the further expansion of the possibilities of using swimming aids in practical activities with students. So, for example, the inclusion of new technologies for conducting classes in the educational process. Swimming classes with students are often conducted by teachers of various sports specializations, who have difficulties in selecting equipment, choosing methods and teaching methods, therefore it is important to reveal the peculiarities of teaching sports swimming techniques. Also, in the article, the peculiarities of teaching the technique of sports swimming, in addition to the characteristics of the main movements, historical information about the method of swimming is disclosed, its general characteristics, sports and applied significance are given. The technique of performing starts and turns is described in detail.
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