Effect of Abiotic Stress on Plant Growth and Development, Physiological and Breeding Strategies to Overcome Stress Condition

Godawari Pawar,Pramod Sargar,Gajanan Naik,Smita Deshmukh,Pranjal Shedge,Swapnil Halge,Avadhut Pawar,Pullamolla N. Reddy
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18811/ijpen.v8i03.01
International Journal of Plant and Environment
Abstract:Abiotic stress is a significant factor in “climate change,” a complex phenomena with several unpredictable negative repercussions onthe environment. Abiotic stress alters the continuity between soil and plant atmosphere, reducing the yield of several essential crops.Abiotic stress now poses a considerable obstacle to plant development, and it will certainly worsen as desertification spreads acrossa larger section of the planet’s land area. The agriculture sector is significantly impacted by the weather and environment. Traditionalfarming methods and the food production required to sustain the nation’s growing population might be threatened by climate change.Improved cultivars created via breeding for a greater harvest index and disease tolerance were readily embraced during this periodof relatively consistent weather. Extreme climatic variability is projected due to climate change in this century. In many nations thatproduce crops, the agricultural climate will likely be warmer with more unpredictable rainfall, and stress spikes will be more severe. Tomaintain a growing population, agricultural productivity must be increased under more unfavourable environmental conditions. UsingGPS locators and climatic data from across the world, it is now feasible to comprehensively examine the genetic diversity in ancientlocal landraces to characterise the natural selection for local adaptation and to identify potential germplasm for tolerances to highstresses . With the use of candidate gene techniques and next generation sequencing, the physiological and biochemical componentsof these manifestations may be genomically examined. Wild relatives of crops possess practically untapped genetic diversity for abioticand biotic stress tolerances and may greatly improve the domesticated gene pools presently available as a survival omics strategy toassist crops endure the expected extremes of climate change. It is an issue to increase agricultural productivity in the face of climatechange. In order to achieve this, it is necessary to combine a number of disciplines, including eco-geographical assessments of geneticresources, modern advances in genomics, agronomy, and farm management, all of which are backed by knowledge of how genotypeenvironmentinteraction affects crop climate adaptability.
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