Information and algorithmic support of streamlined control systems
Yu.S. Tverskoy,I.A. Kolesov,A.V. Golubev,I.K. Muravyov,J.A. Gaidina,,,,,
Vestnik IGEU
Abstract:Modern production machinery is equipped with multifunctional automated process control systems (APCS) based on software and hardware complexes (SHC) of a network hierarchical structure. The experience of designing and operating multifunctional process control systems proves that the efficiency of the systems being developed significantly depends on the array of problems at different stages of the technology design and system modernization. It is to be developed, both at the fundamental level of local automatic control systems and at a higher level of hierarchical system structure. At the same time, special attention is paid to the software failure, which is fixed, as a rule, by periodically updating all the content. For process control systems, such an approach under the operation conditions of power equipment is unacceptable. In this regard, the effectivity problems of complex systems are to be classified in terms of technological process factors, the theory of automatic control and instrumental factors associated with the proper software implementation. As a theoretical basis to solve the problem of information sufficiency and synthesis of structurally stable systems, the methods of potentials and coordinates of the thermodynamics of irreversible processes are used. The testing method is applied as a tool to analyze and diagnose software and hardware tools. The authors have defined three groups of factors: system, controller and local. The task to analyze the conformity of information and algorithmic support means to expert and verify the absence of defects in the software of a multifunctional system and the fulfillment of the declared requirements. The automated testing system is a unified environment to analyze the execution of test scenarios. It provides continuous validation and verification of the information and algorithmic support of the SHC. In particular, a methodology has been developed to carry out resource tests of the software and hardware complex and checking the operation of the mechanisms for backing up, synchronizing, and replacing its components by simulating failures in the processor modules, hardware and software components. A set of methodological factors has been defined to develop advanced software and hardware systems for process control systems. It significantly affects the adequacy of the information and algorithmic support of a complex system. A technology of automated testing of software and hardware tools of the SHC has been developed. Methods to solve interdisciplinary problems are generalized. The authors recommend solving the problems at the earlier stages of a complex system design. The proposed technology to develop and diagnose automatically software and hardware of the SHC by implementing a single environment to study, compare and detect the defects of the SHC software throughout the entire life cycle of the process control system allows you to identify and eliminate the mutual negative influence of the SHC components both at the development stage and at the stage of the subsequent system organization, including solving the problem of information security at the stage of system installation and operation. The developed approach to solve complex interdisciplinary problems that require solution at the early stages of designing complex systems makes it possible to avoid fundamentally erroneous decisions and increase the competitiveness of the SHC as a systemically important APCS complex at the time of installation.