The Influence of China’s Express Logistics Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction under the Situation of COVID-19: Focused on the Moderating Effect of Government Control
Dan-Qiu Dong,Moon-Hong Kim,
Abstract:With the spread of COVID-19, China have taken the urban blockade policy, the express logistics industry is experiencing difficulties in achieving distribution. Even the daily necessities of customers are difficult to buy.This study finds out the determinants of the service quality of express logistics, proposes the determinants according to the characteristics of the era of COVID-19, and selects five factors, including rapidity, safety, economy, convenience, and accuracy. Through the operational definition of each factor, the questionnaire was made and distributed online for empirical analysis. The main research results are as follows: First, it confirms that the quality of express logistics service has a positive impact on customer satisfaction. Second, among the determinants of express logistics service quality, the government control has a statistically significant moderating effect between the rapidity and convenience in customer satisfaction. However, among the determinants of express logistics service quality, economy, security and accuracy have not found statistically significant moderating effects between customer satisfaction. In other words, the impact of rapidity and convenience on customer satisfaction in express logistics service quality is strengthened with the control of the government.
This shows that from the perspective of express logistics enterprises, among the five determinants of the quality of express logistics services caused by COVID-19, it is very important to strengthen the rapidity and convenience.
This study reconfirms that in the COVID-19 occluder, the quality of express logistics service also has a positive impact on customer satisfaction. In particular, it is of great significance to analyze the regulatory effect of government regulation. It is generally believed that government regulation will only produce negative effects, but among the determinants of express logistics services, it has a positive regulatory effect in terms of rapidity and convenience, which can be said that the government should pay attention to in the future.