The Use of Technology for the Phased Formation of Methodological Skills of a Physics Teacher in the Context of Professional Retraining
Valentina I. Vaganova,,Vladislava G. Vaganova,
Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University
Abstract:The problem of shortage of teaching staff in our country is solved by retraining already working teachers. The features of this process in the case of training teachers of physics are considered in the proposed article. Due to the fact that already working teachers have a whole set of general pedagogical competencies, the main efforts should be directed to the formation of specific methodological skills and methods of activity in physics. The methodological skills of a physics teacher are divided into six groups: gnostic, projective-constructive, organizational, research, reflective, experimental. In order to develop methodological skills, the theory of the gradual formation of mental actions and operations is used, which is used in teaching children and finds its application in teaching adults. The study developed a sequence of teacher actions for the formation of methodological skills in physics teachers, which includes: motivation for actions, actualization of students’ professional interests, goal setting, instruction, showing a sample of action, creating an indicative basis for action (designing technological maps, generalized plans, structural and logical schemes, stages of the experiment, etc.), independent implementation of a methodological action based on the developed OOD, micro-teaching in a simulated situation, simulation modeling, analysis and introspection of simulated learning. As a algorithmic model of gradual formation methodically skills we are used modeling method. In the process of training students, an analysis was made of the formation of methodological skills. The technique of self-assessment of difficulties in mastering professional activity was used. The level of formation of the main methodological skills was analyzed: organizational, constructive, design and experimental. An analysis of the degree of development of design skills showed that students, as teachers of other subjects, are well able to design technological maps of lessons, draw up programs for academic disciplines, etc. The level of development of experimental skills is also quite high, since a lot of attention was paid to physical experiment during training. Design and constructive skills are rated by future teachers mainly at 4 points. The results of the study have shown that the phased nature of the formation of methodological skills contributes to a higher level of their development among future physics teachers.