고려전기 3省 6部制에 대한 재고찰
Abstract:It has been generally recognized that the central bureaucratic system of Goryeo Dinasty was not of Three Ministries-Six Departments, but of Two Ministries-Six Departments. The theory of Two Ministries regards Jung-Seo Ministry and Mun-Ha Ministry as a unitary, connected organization, that is, Jung-SeoㆍMun-Ha Ministry. This article, however, is to vindicate the view that Jung-Seo Ministry and Mun-Ha Ministry were separate institutions. Among lots of offices in the beginning of Goryeo Dynasty, those being relevant to the creation of Three Ministries later in the period of the King Seong-Jong were Nae-Uei Ministry(內議省), Kuang-Piung Ministry(廣評省) and Nee-Bong Ministry(內奉省). Then, Three Ministries established in the first year of the King Seong-Jong(982) were Nae-Sa Ministry(內史省), Mun-Ha Ministry(門下省) and Eo-Sa-Do Ministry(御事都省). Nae-Sa Ministry was established following the function of Nae-uei Ministry as well as accommodating the system of Dang Dynasty. Mun-Ha Ministry, which also was affected by Dang Dynasty, followed the function of Kuang-Piung Ministry of the early stage of Goryeo Dynasty. The establishments of Eo-Sa-Do Ministry(御事都省) and Eo-Sa-Riuk-Guan(御事6官 [Six Offices]), reorganizing the functions of former Nee-Bong Ministry, Byung-Department(兵部) and Chang-Deparment(倉部), could be regarded as a provisional phase for introducing the bureaucracy of Dang Dynasty. Three Ministries, Nae-Sa Ministry(內史省), Mun-Ha Ministry(門下省) and Eo-Sa-Do Ministry(御事都省), which had been established in the first year of the King Seong-Jong(982), were to be reorganized to Nae-Sa Ministry(內史省), Mun-Ha Ministry(문하성) and Sang-Seo-Do Ministry(尙書都省) in the fourteenth year of Seong-Jong. Sang-Seo-Do Ministry(尙書都省) and Sang-SeoㆍSix Departments(尙書6部), thus having been created following the system of Dang Dynasty, assuming another transition in the reign of the King Hyun-Jong, came to be transformed to Sang-Seo Ministry(尙書省) and Six Departments(6部) in the fifteenth year of the King Mun-Jong(1061), which, even if influenced by the system of Song Dynasty, had some originality of Goryeo Dynasty. In the about fourteenth year of the King Seong-Jong there was a new transition in the official functions of ministries, including Nae-sa Ministry and Mun-Ha Ministry that had been created in the first year of the King Seong-Jong under the influence of the system of Dang Dynasty. This process of transitions shows that the system based on that of Dang Dynasty did not go on anymore as it was. 'Three Ministries-Six Departments' arranged in the fifteenth year of the King Mun-Jong was an organization adapted to proper conditions of Goryeo Dynasty to a certain degree, at the same time being based on the system of Dang Dynasty and influenced by the institution of Song Dynasty as well. Three Ministries arranged in the fifteenth year of the King Mun-Jong(1061) were Jung-Seo Ministry, Mun-Ha Ministry and Sang-Sec Ministry. In the same year, the fifteenth year of the King Mun-Jong, Nae-Sa Ministry was transformed to Jung-Seo Ministry, resulting in the establishment of Three Ministries, that is, Jung-Seo Ministry, Mun-Ha Ministry and Sang-Sec Ministry, In the column of Mun-Ha-Bu (Department/ministry[部]) of the Goryeo-History, Monography for All the Magistrates, however, it is said that Nae-SaㆍMun-Ha Ministry created in the first year of Seong-Jong carne to be rearranged to Jung-SeoㆍMun-Ha Ministry in the fifteenth year of Mun-Jong. The statement could be attributed to a mistake of the editors of the Goryeo History, as it seems to be true that Nae-Sa Ministry was transformed to Jung-Seo Ministry, and not Nae-SaㆍMun-Ha Ministry to Jung-SeoㆍMun-Ha Ministry. Mun-Ha Ministry having created in the first year of Seong-Jong never assumed alteration until the first year of the King Chung-Lieol(1275), when Three Ministries, that is, Jung-Seo Ministry, Mun-Ha Ministry and Sang-Seo Ministry, came to be united and reorganized to Cheome-ei Department(僉議府). The statement written in Monography for An the Magistrates that Nae-Uei Ministry in the initial stage of Goryeo Dynasty came to be reorganized to Nae-SaㆍMun-Ha Ministry must be a mistake of the editors of the Goryeo History. Again they made another mistake, saying that Sang-Seo Ministry and Eo-Sa-Do Ministry(御事都省) carne out of Kuang-Piung Ministry of the initial period. Considering these mistakes, it seems, we could properly conclude that the central bureaucratic system of Goryeo Dynasty was not of Two Ministries-Six Departments, but of Three Ministries-Six Departments.