Slamet Supriyanto
Joyful Learning Journal
Abstract:Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengembangkan, menguji kelayakan dan keefektifan media permainan tradisional dakon berbasis teori Bruner. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan metode Research and Development Sugiyono. 1 set permainan terdiri dari empat perangkat permainan. Kartu permainan berisikan operasi hitung pembagian. Hasil penilaian ahli materi sebesar 80% (layak) dan ahli media 84% (sangat layak). Hasil belajar menunjukan ketuntasan belajar lebih dari 75%. Media menghasilkan perbedaan rata-rata (t-test) pada uji coba produk 10,58 uji pemakaian 14,44 dan peningkatan hasil belajar (n-gain) pada uji coba produk 0,47 (sedang) dan uji pemakaian 0,78 (tinggi). Jadi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa media permainan tradisional dakon berbasis teori Bruner mata pelajaran matematika materi operasi hitung pembagian bilangan cacah kelas III SD efektif dan layak digunakan. The objectives of this study were to develop, to test appropriateness and effectiveness of traditional game media based on Bruner theory. This type of study was Sugiyono's Research and Development (R&D). One set of game consisted of four game devices. The game card contain the division calculation operation. The material expert assessment result was 80% (feasible) and the media expert was 84% (very feasible). The learning outcomes showed that learning completeness reached more than 75%. The media produced an average difference (t-test) in the product test that was 10.58, input test was 14.44 and the learning outcomes enhancement (n-gain) in the product test was 0.47 (medium) and input test was 0.78 (high). Thus, it could be concluded that the traditional dakon game media based on Bruner theory on division calculation operation in mathematics subject matter of three-grade students was effective and feasible to use.
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