Sergey Bushuyev,Hiroshi Tanaka,Chetin Elmas,Igbal Babayev,,,
Scientific Journal of Astana IT University
Abstract:The role and place of inspiring intuition and creativity in the management of IT projects and development programs of organizations are considered. A conceptual model of the interaction of inspiring intuition and creativity in the processes of IT project management is presented. The influence of inspiring intuition and creativity on the life cycle of innovative projects for the development of knowledge and management technologies is determined. With the help of intuition, IT project managers can anticipate new products, management processes, business areas and development. Such promising actions usually cannot be planned purely rationally, but require an “intuitive feeling.” Vision and imagination open up opportunities for action beyond the paths. This is “inspiring intuition”. This inspiring dimension of intuition has a long-lasting, holistic and gradual effect. The key competencies and strategic priorities of the organization for the implementation of the strategy of sustainable development are considered. In the process of research, two models of sustainable development based on the use of innovative projects and programs were selected. The first model, the Strategic Sustainable Development Framework (FSSD), defines three levels of creative competencies - linear, literal, and holistic. Within the framework of this model, the qualitative influences of individual competencies on the formation of inspiring intuition are determined by example. The second model is related to the application of the system of knowledge and competencies for the management of IT projects and P2M programs. Within this model, priority competencies have been identified that shape the inspiring intuition of project managers. Within the framework of the evaluations, a matrix of qualitative influences on inspiring competence in the processes of implementation of innovative projects and programs was built.
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