Людмила Токарук,Олена МУЗИКА,Liudmyla TOKARUK,,Olena MUZYKA,
Abstract:n connection with military actions on the territory of Ukraine, the market of labor and educational services is in a state of partial recession, which determines the continuation of the active implementation of information and communication technologies in the process of career guidance of schoolchildren. The problem of career guidance is becoming more and more relevant and important in secondary education institutions, because the modern professional world needs qualified and competitive specialists in the socio-pedagogical sphere. Background. The relevance of the research topic corresponds to modern challenges in the field of career orientation of social pedagogues in secondary education institutions, since the introduction of new information technologies creates conditions for independent and conscious life and professional choices of graduates. The purpose of the scientific research is to analyze the use of information and communication technologies in career guidance activities of social pedagogues in secondary education institutions. The purpose of the research was specified in such tasks as: analysis of basic concepts; determining the methods of using information and communication technologies in career guidance activities of social pedagogues in secondary education institutions; creation of the CGA Telegram channel to improve the effectiveness of career orientation activities of social pedagogues in secondary education institutions; development of a program of career orientation activities of a social pedagogue by means of information and communication technologies. Methods. The methods of using information and communication technologies in career guidance activities of a social pedagogue in secondary education institutions were determined, namely, the use of social networks, electronic platforms for online learning, video and audio materials, as well as interactive means of information. Results. The created Telegram channel CGA meaningfully consists of information blocks; articles by famous people, a selection of tests that can help high school students decide on a career path; a selection of TikTok accounts from a professional direction; top 3 career guidance programs on YouTube, with useful and relevant information; a link to an online platform with free preparation for final exams; selection of Instagram accounts that help in professional self-determination; article on the topic: "5 main mistakes when choosing a profession"; video on the topic: "5 life hacks of time management; evaluation of the effectiveness of Telegram channel CGA, for feedback. Сonclusions. The result of career guidance is professional self-determination, where the analysis of scientific literature shows that it is necessary to distinguish between such two aspects as the choice of profession by high school students and professional self-determination of high school students. However, the use of ICT in the career guidance activities of a social pedagogue should not be limited to the processes of interaction exclusively between graduates and technical means of learning. The use of ICTs can include many opportunities, among which online counselling is effective, where graduates can communicate online with a social worker using social networks.