Differences in Career Adaptability, Career Barriers, and Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy according to School Adjustment and Self-Discrepancy Types of Middle School

Youn-Ju CHO,Hang Jo,Sinae Kim,
DOI: https://doi.org/10.20496/cpew.2023.10.1.83
The Association of Korea Counseling Psychology Education Welfare
Abstract:This study applied cluster analysis to derive cluster types according to school adjustment andself-discrepancy levels, and analyzed the differences in career characteristics such as careeradaptability, career barriers, and career decision-making self-efficacy. As a result of clusteranalysis on 300 middle school students, a total of 5 clusters were as follows:‘teacher-independence adjustment & consistency’, ‘teacher-independence adjustment &consistency’, ‘teacher-dependent adjustment & minimal discrepancy’, ‘peer-isolated maladjustmentand consistency’, and ‘maladjustment and high discrepancy’. In addition, the analysis results ofthe all career characteristics of each cluster are as follows. Cluster 1, ‘teacher-independenceadjustment & consistency’, had the highest self-efficacy in career adaptation and careerdecision-making, and experienced fewer career barriers. Cluster 2 'teacher-independenceadjustment & consistency' showed the highest level after cluster 1 in career adaptation andcareer curiosity. Cluster 3, ‘teacher-dependent adjustment & minimal discrepancy’, showed lesscareer interest, conflict with significant others, uncertainty about the future, and lack of jobinformation. Cluster 4 'peer-isolated maladjustment and consistency’ showed the lowest careerinterest and career curiosity, and the lack of confidence in its career barriers was the highestafter cluster 5. The last cluster 5, ‘maladjustment and high discrepancy’, showed the lowestcareer adaptation and career decision self-efficacy and the highest career barriers. Based on theresults, the implications and limitations of the study are discussed.
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