Demo exam as a means of improving the quality of the state fi nal assessment of automobile college graduates

Petr F. Kubrushko,
Agricultural Engineering
Abstract:The results of the state final assessment (SFA) determine the further updating of the educational process. During the integration of federal state educational standards and the new WorldSkills standards in the system of secondary vocational education, a new component - a demo exam - appeared in the structure of the state fi nal assessment. It emphasizes the simulation of real working conditions to solve practical problems of professional activity in accordance with the best world standards and national practices. The article presents the features of conducting a demo exam according to the WorldSkills standards for the majors and professions of the automotive industry. The authors discuss the positive and negative characteristics of this SFA form and consider the possibility of including the independent assessment of qualifi cations (IAQ) in the SFA system. This modifi cation provides conditions for conjugating the education system and the labor market. The state fi nal assessment of the graduates of secondary vocational education institutions has revealed the need to change the content and methodology of the training process and assessment activities. As a result of integrating the traditional system of fi nal assessment with the WorldSkills standards for the training area (major) 23.02.07 “Maintenance and repair of engines, systems and assemblies of motor vehicles” in the Automotive College, the authors have developed and tested a model of the demo exam based on the independent quality assurance methodology. The model provides a comprehensive assessment of the professional competence of graduates.
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