Feasibility of changing the area of the «Boryslavsky» local landscape reserve

Taras Skrobach,Iryna Bryndzia,Oksana Mykytchyn
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36885/nzdpm.2022.38.107-114
Proceedings of the State Natural History Museum
Abstract:The intervention of industrial production in the state of nature-reserved objects often causes a number of changes in natural ecosystems. In the city of Boryslav and its surroundings, industrial oil production has already caused a large number of environmental problems. In order to preserve the valuable native beech-fir forests surrounding the city on the southern side, the gene pool of the animal and plant world, and maintain the overall ecological balance in the Drohobych region, in 1984 the Boryslavsky landscape reserve of local importance was created, the area of which is 2,049.3 hectares. The territory of the reserve belongs to the Upper Dniester Beskydy district and is of particular importance for ensuring the water regime of the Tysmenytsia River and its tributaries, in the basin of which it is located. Also, 15 red book insect species were found here, which is about half of the red book entomofauna of the Transcarpathian region in general, and a number of insects that are under protection in European countries or recognized as rare, although they are not listed in the Red Book of Ukraine, 6 rare red book species of animals. Our research confirmed the presence of four Red Book grass species that have the nature conservation status of unassessed and two rare phytocenoses (the association of Alnetum (incanae)alliosum (ursini) and Fageto (sylvaticae)Abietum (albae) Hederosum. The territory of the reserve is located within the boundaries of South Boryslav of the oil field, which belongs to the most promising oil and gas-bearing areas of Precarpathia. In accordance with the approved limit for the special use of natural resources within the territories and objects of the nature reserve fund of local importance, in accordance with the state environmental protection department in the Lviv region, and on the basis of the permit issued by the local self-government body, the limited liability company "First Ukrainian Gas and Oil Company" began conducting geological exploration works on the site belonging to the territory of the Boryslavsky Reserve. the territory of the nature reserve, with an area of 2.5 hectares, located on the border of blocks 63 and 66, vid. 5 square meters 66 and part of ed. 1 and 2 sq. 63 of the Boryslav Forestry (territory of the reserve, altitude about 740 m above sea level) was cut down due to the need for geological exploration. As of today, this company has a special permit to use the subsoil of this area and plans to continue its activities. Given these circumstances, we consider it expedient to remove this area from the lands of the landscape reserve of local importance "Borislavsky", as it does not fulfill the functions assigned to it, namely: protection, preservation and restoration of valuable fir and beech plantations of natural origin with a typical formations with flora and fauna. In turn, we propose to include two plots of highly productive beech-fir groves from the lands of the State Enterprise "Drogobitske LG", Boryslav Forestry, namely sections No. 20 (area of 2.8 ha) and No. 22 (area of 1.2 ha) ) of the 44th quarter. These areas, bordering the lands of the landscape reserve, were selected as a result of the study of the tree stand, features of vegetation and soil cover, the existing natural undergrowth of beech and fir, the presence of plant and animal species included in the Red Book and subject to protection. Thus, the area of the reserve will increase by 1.5 hectares.
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