Education of meaning of life values in secondary and high school: theoretical-practical aspects
Kateryna ZHURBA
Abstract:The article deals with the theoretical and practical aspects of values of the meaning of life in the secondary and high school pupils. The content of the conceptual apparatus on the problem of values of the meaning of life in the pupils of the main and high school is analyzed, the key terms "meaning", "meaning of life", "purpose of life", " values of the meaning of life " are defined, the main theoretical positions and ideas are generalized. It is proved that the values of the meaning of life are the most significant component of the moral self-consciousness of the individual, which determines her attitude towards herself, people, society and characterizes her moral needs for love, goodness, freedom, justice, respect for dignity, their realization in their respective behavior and work on themselves. The essence of the problem is the need to values of the meaning of life in schoolchildren of the secondary and high school as a condition of full moral and spiritual development of the individual, the formation of viability, as well as the confrontation with stress, depression, age crises, and insufficient theoretical and methodological development of ways to educate this phenomenon in general education institutions. The use of diagnostic methods (questionnaires, flying conversation, ethical conversation, discussion, creative tasks, analysis of drawings) made it possible to identify students' ideas and judgments about the meaning of life and their life plans and perspectives. The work showed the younger adolescents' understanding of the meaning of life through moral ideals, getting pleasure from life, achieving success, using different resources to understand the meaning of life. It is confirmed that the values of the meaning of life of secondary and high school pupils should be based on humanistic ethics and morality using traditional and innovative forms and methods of work, such as project and circle activities, reader conferences, use of problem situations and art techniques. The research expanded the idea of scientific ideas about the cultivation of values of the meaning of life in secondary and high school students. The necessity of the study is determined by the fact that its conceptual provisions, ideas, experimental data and ways of values of the meaning of life in the secondary and high school pupils can be used in various studies on this issue in order to compare the results in Ukraine and European countries or the post-Soviet space in order to study the common trends, use in the development of modern techniques and personally oriented technologies for the development of values of the meaning of life among schoolchildren of different age groups.