Pengembangan Produk Sabun Cair Herbal terhadap Staphylococcus aureus dan Escherichia coli
Darini Kurniawati
Mencuci tangan dengan sabun bisa memutus mata rantai penyebaran Covid-19. Saat ini sabun cair lebih disukai karena lebih praktis digunakan. Oleh karena itu, kami ingin meneliti lebih lanjut efektifitas sabun cair herbal antiseptik pengembangan formulasi antiseptik herbal dari penelitian sebelumnya.
Tujuan: Mengetahui efektivitas formulasi kombinasi herbal daun sirih, kulit jeruk nipis dan tanaman bundung dalam produk sabun cair antiseptik
Metode: True eksperimental, kelompok mencuci tangan dengan sabun cair herbal, kelompok kontrol , uji daya hambat terhadap Staphylococcus aureus dan Escherichia colli beserta evaluasi ph, organoleptik, stabilitas busa, kadar air, asam lemak bebas dan alkali bebas.
Hasil: Bentuk cair, bau lemon dan warna kuning, busa 15 – 70 mm, pH 10, kadar air 52%, asam lemak bebas 0,05%, alkali bebas 0,091%. penurunan angka kuman sebesar 90,5% dan diperkuat dengan analisa bivariat menggunakan Paired T tes diperoleh nilai signifikansi 0,0001 (<0,05). uji antibakteri dengan metode dilusi dan dilanjutkan daya hambat mikroba diperoleh KHM. Terhadap Staphylococcus aureus KHM pada konsentrasi 25% dan KBM pada konsentrasi 25%.Terhadap Escherichia colli KHM pada konsentrasi 30% dan KBM pada konsentrasi 25% .
Kesimpulan: : Sabun cair herbal daun sirih, kulit jeruk nipis dan tanaman bundung sesuai standar SNI sabun cair yang dipersyaratkan, efektif menurunkan angka kuman dan ditemukan KHM serta KBM pada semua mikroba yang diujikan.
Kata kunci : sabun cair _herbal_antiseptik
Washing hands with soap can break the chain of the spread of Covid-19. Currently liquid soap is preferred because it is more practical to use. Therefore, we would like to further investigate the effectiveness of herbal antiseptic liquid soap in developing herbal antiseptic formulations from previous studies.
Objective: To determine the effectiveness of the herbal combination formulation of betel leaf, lime peel and bund plants in antiseptic liquid soap.
Methods: True experimental, hand washing group with herbal liquid soap, control group, test of inhibition against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia colli along with evaluation of pH, organoleptic, foam stability, moisture content, free fatty acids and free alkali.
Results: Liquid form, lemon odor and yellow color, foam 15 – 70 mm, pH 10, water content 52%, free fatty acids 0.05%, free alkali 0.091%. decrease in germ numbers by 90.5% and strengthened by bivariate analysis using Paired T test obtained a significance value of 0.0001 (<0.05). antibacterial test by dilution method and continued with microbial inhibition obtained MIC. Against Staphylococcus aureus MIC at a concentration of 25% and MBC at a concentration of 25%. Against Escherichia colli MIC at a concentration of 30% and MBC at a concentration of 25%.
Conclusion:Betel leaf herbal liquid soap, lime peel and bundung plants according to the required SNI standard for liquid soap, effectively reduce the number of germs and MIC and KBM were found in all tested microbes.
Keywords: liquid soap _herbal_antiseptic