Effect of Ammodaucus leucotrichus Coss. & Dur. Essential Oil on the Viability of Erythrocytes and its Antiradical Activity Assessment

Imad Abdelhamid EL HACI,Wissame MAZARI,Fawzia ATIK-BEKKARA
DOI: https://doi.org/10.46325/jnpra.v1i02.14
Journal of Natural Product Research and Applications
Abstract:Plants for medicinal purposes are considered as the main source of health care for the majority of the world population. In order to promote medicinal plants in Algeria, the present work aimed to assess the physico-chemical characterization, hemolytic, and antioxidant activities of Ammodaucus leucotrichus essential oil of an endemic plant from south-west of Algeria. The plant was harvested from the region of Bechar (south-west of Algeria). The oil was obtained by hydrodistillation method using Clevenger apparatus. The antioxidant activity of the oil was carried out using DPPH scavenging assay, and its effect on erythrocyte cells was evaluated by measuring the hemolytic degree. The obtained results showed that this oil presented a low antioxidant activity compared to positive control (ascorbic acid). The hemolytic activity was very low since the oil diluted to 1/10, while it was low in the pure state. 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