Career Intervention to Enhance Students' Career Maturity

Henie Kurniawati,Eka Widiasari,Zahratika Zalafi,Shaula Astika Putri,Khusnul Hidayah,Nada Qurrota A'yun,,,,,,
Abstract:Career interventions aim to improve students' career maturity. Career maturity needs to be improved in the era of society 5. 0. Most students do not yet have career planning and career readiness. 3 career intervention programs, including identification of the Indonesian Interest Test (TMI), career counseling, and career workshops. The method used is Participatory Action Research (PAR) with five stages, namely problem identification, action planning, taking action, evalution, and reflection. There were 24 vocational school students aged 15-18 years Effectiveness of intervention using pretest and posttest. analyzed using a different paired sample test. As a result, career planning, career exploration, and decision making were classified a s inadequate by 50% (12 people out of 24 participants); Career information and self-knowledge of career are quite adequate at 50% (12 people out of 24 participants. Descriptive statistical results with a mean pre-test value of 47.50 and a mean post test value of 81.25. The mean value is 81.25 > 47.50, meaning that descriptively there is a difference in the average career maturity value before and after the intervention. The correlation results of paired samples show the correlation test test and post test. The correlation coefficient is 0.348 with its significance value of 0.187. Probability 0.05, significance 0.187 > 0.05, meaning there is no relationship between pre test and post test. The results of the paired samples test, known significance value (2-tailed) of 0.000 < 0.05 means that there is an average difference between pre-test and post-test career maturity, meaning that there is an effect of intervention on increasing student career maturity. Recommendations need to further improve students' career maturity by optimizing soft skills, digital skills, and social skills involving families, schools, and communities.
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