Correlation between Parenting Skills, Children’s Emotional and Intelligence Quotient with School Readiness

Riana Mashar,Febru Pudji Astuti
JPUD - Jurnal Pendidikan Usia Dini
Abstract:School readiness is critical to academic achievement in first grade. However, often parents only focus on cognitive readiness without paying much attention to children's emotional factors and parental factors that affect school readiness. This study aims to identify the relationship between parenting skills, emotional quotient (EQ), intelligence (IQ), and children's school readiness. This study uses a correlation design that focuses on parental and internal factors. The research subjects were parents and students from 21 kindergartens in Magelang (n=165) who were selected through simple random sampling. Data collection was carried out through online questionnaires for parents, Raven Intelligence Scale, EQ Scale, and school readiness tests for children. The data obtained were analyzed through regression analysis techniques. The results of the study show that emotional intelligence has the strongest correlation with school readiness. Intelligence also correlates with children's school readiness. However, there is no significant correlation between parental skills and children's school readiness. Based on gender, there is no significant difference in school readiness between boys and girls. The findings of this study imply that school readiness needs to be improved by developing children's emotional intelligence as important as cognitive intelligence. Keywords: parenting skills, children’s EQ and IQ, school readiness References: Arnold, C., Bartlett, K., Gowani, S., & Shallwani, S. (2008). Transition to school: Reflections on readiness. Journal of Developmental Processes, 3(2), 26–38. Blankson, A. N., Miner, J., Leerkes, E. M., O’Brien, M., Calkins, S. D., & Marcovitch, S. (2017). Cognitive and Emotional Processes as Predictors of a Successful Transition into School HHS Public Access. Early Educ Dev, 28(1), 1–20. Cohen, J. (2006). 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