Traditional family upbringing in China

Sh. Zhang
Vestnik of Minin University
Abstract:Introduction. The family is the basic organization of social interaction formed on the basis of marriage, blood relations and adoption. Its changes are inevitably connected with politics. The process of reconstructing various economic, cultural, social and other relationships in the context of the family constantly challenges the internal structure of the traditional Chinese family. In China, the structure and functions of the family have undergone major changes over time, which affect not only the family itself, but also have an impact on the stable and healthy functioning of society as a whole. In traditional family education, the principle of the primacy of family interests is observed, but preference is given to boys. Within the framework of traditional Chinese culture, the main focus is on the upbringing of boys, since boys have a higher status in the family than girls. Inequality in traditional education in China is manifested in gender differences related to the education of children, with the distribution of family education resources and in the difference in the years of education of boys and girls. Materials and Methods. Confucianism, which is one of the three main religions of the Chinese, preaches the so–called "xiao" – the cult of family and obedience of the younger to the elders. According to traditions, children serve their parents and strictly obey their will. Therefore, at preschool age, the personal example of adults becomes especially relevant for the child. The rule of the psychological "mirror", based on children's impressionability and the desire to imitate, is also known in European pedagogical practice. However, the Chinese attach special importance to a personal example, in addition, they carefully choose their child's environment. Results. The current family upbringing and education in our country is traditional, stereotypical and conservative in the formation of gender. In particular, in the field of gender expectations, gender perceptions and gender education. Many parents still do not have a scientific understanding of gender issues, and many parents are often unaware of their children's gender education. Although the academic community is concerned about changes in China's modern family structure, the discussion of this topic focuses on a wide range of issues. Discussion and Conclusions. Under the influence of modern civilization and education, the traditional way of the family, the relationship between spouses, the structure of the family, the issues of raising children are undergoing changes, gradually turning into an open and democratic system where the upbringing of children is comprehensive.
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