Augmented Reality as a Media for Distance Learning in the Digital Era: Contribution in Improving Critical Thinking Skills
Nurul Lailatul Badriyah,Surakarta Sebelas Maret University,Munawir Yusuf,Agus Efendi,
International Journal of Information and Education Technology
Abstract:As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, education has undergone a transformation in the learning methods it has carried out so far, from face-to-face to virtual face-to-face or better known as distance learning. Distance learning is a way of independent learning using technology. Usually, this learning method is considered less effective in developing critical thinking skills. Therefore, this study aims to measure the effectiveness of one of the technologies used for distance learning, namely smartphone-based Augmented Reality (AR) in improving critical thinking skills. The subjects involved in this study were second grade vocational high school students in Surakarta with a total sample of 120 students. Furthermore, the true experiment design research method of the Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design was used and the data were collected by studying the observation syntax, while data analysis techniques were conducted by using One-Way ANOVA statistical test. As for the results of this study, namely Surakarta State Vocational School X obtained an average test result in a class that used augmented reality media which was 71.4 points, higher than the class that did not use AR learning media, namely 51.03. The same results were also shown at Surakarta State Vocational School Y, where the class that used augmented reality (AR) media obtained an average test score of 69.47, which was greater than the class that did not use it, that was only 45.67. These results indicate that the use of smartphone-based augmented reality technology is quite effective in developing students’ critical thinking skills in distance learning.