Linguistic and translational features of the international vocabulary of military subject
L. R. Vartanova,,Yu. V. Ryndina,
Гуманитарные и юридические исследования
Abstract:Introduction. In the military domain, the interpreter plays a very important role, since it is the interpreter, who sometimes determines an adequate assessment of the situation, as well as awareness of the enemy’s plans. The meanings of words encountered in everyday communication may be quite different in military texts, and therefore the translator is required to be well trained in military translation. The relevance of this research lies in the study of the specifics of international military vocabulary. When translating military texts, the translator encounters internationalisms related to the names and tactical and technical characteristics of weapons and equipment. Military translation requires the utmost precision of concepts while preserving informativeness. Covering the problems of translation of internationalisms and «translator’s false friends» allow us to reveal the peculiarities of their functioning in the texts on military topics and to determine the ways of their translation. Materials and methods. In the work such methods were used as a component analysis to establish the semantic components of the lexical units, a comparative-comparative analysis, which involves comparing the contextual units as a result of analyzing the German and Russian language materials, the method of continuous sampling and quantitative calculations, descriptive-analytical, contextual analysis methods, which constitute a comprehensive method of text interpretation. The material of the study was an online dictionary of concepts and terms of the German armed forces, presented on the specialized German-language Internet site of the German armed forces. Analysis. The compositional structure of a military text is determined by its volume and genre. Military-technical texts include various kinds of instructions on types of military equipment and weapons, descriptions of new weapon models and instructions on the operation of equipment. These texts are characterized by such features as the presence of military-technical terminology of the narrow field of military affairs, the presence of pictures, drawings, diagrams, neutral tone of narration. Results. Military texts are a kind of official-business style of speech, characterized by the prescriptive-duty character of speech, its non-personal nature, accuracy, logic, objectivity, clarity, formality, stereotyping, concreteness, generalization, rigor, as well as a special set of clichés and terms. In the texts on military subjects’ various types of internationalisms are widely represented: single-word names, abbreviations, nominative word combinations, term elements. The advantage of the international vocabulary is its brevity and ease of use, its translation by transliteration or transcription, in most cases also its unambiguity.