Datos para el estudio de la poliorcética durante la Edad del Cobre y la Edad de Bronce en el mediodía de la península ibérica
Francisco Contreras Cortés,Alberto Dorado Alejos
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18239/vdh_2022.11.02
Vínculos de Historia Revista del Departamento de Historia de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
Abstract:El uso de murallas desde los primeros momentos de la sedentarización ha buscado el cierre de asentamientos y, aunque generalmente estas construcciones procuraban la protección de sus habitantes, pudieron jugar también un papel importante en aspectos como la demostración de fuerza o de independencia política, jurídica e incluso como ornamento. En el presente trabajo realizamos una visión diacrónica de las estructuras en piedra, con especial interés de aquellas estudiadas en el marco de los proyectos de investigación desarrollados por el Departamento de Prehistoria y Arqueología de la Universidad de Granada, mostrándose nuevos datos procedentes de nuestros archivos recientemente digitalizados y que permiten observar de una manera más detallada la fábrica de algunas de ellas, lo que demuestra los cambios de hábitos constructivos y su adaptación a los cambios culturales. Palabras Clave: Estructuras defensivas, Edad del Cobre, Edad del Bronce, Bronce FinalTopónimos: Península IbéricaPeriodo: Edad del Cobre, Edad del Bronce ABSTRACTThe use of walls from the earliest moments of sedentarisation has sought to enclose settlements and, although the goal of these constructions has generally been the protection of their inhabitants, they may have played an important role in aspects such as the demonstration of strength or political and legal independence, and even as ornamentation. This paper presents a diachronic view of stone wall structures, with particular focus on those studied within the framework of the research projects carried out by the Department of Prehistory and Archaeology of the University of Granada. New data from our recently digitalised archives are included, enabling us to observe in greater detail the construction of some of these structures, evidencing changes in building habits and their adaptation to cultural changes. Keywords: Defensive structures, Copper Age, Bronze Age, Argar Culture, Late Bronze Age.Place names: Iberian PeninsulaPeriod: Chalcolithic, Bronze Age REFERENCIASAguayo de Hoyos, P. (1977), “Construcciones defensivas de la Edad Del Cobre peninsular. El Cerro de los Castellones (Laborcillas, Granada)”, Cuadernos de Prehistoria y Arqueología de la Universidad de Granada, 2, pp. 87-104. https://doi.org/10.30827/cpag.v2i0.722.Altamirano García, M. (2014), “Not only bones. Hard animal tissues as a source of raw material in 3rd millenium BC south-eastern Iberia”, Menga: Revista de prehistoria de Andalucía, 5, pp. 43-67.Aranda Jiménez, G. (2001), El análisis de la relación forma-contenido de los conjuntos cerámicos del yacimiento arqueológico del Cerro de la Encina (Granada, España), BAR International Series 957, Oxford, Archaeopress.Aranda Jiménez, G., Montón-Subías, S. y Sánchez Romero, M. (2015), The Archaeology of Bronze Age Iberia. 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What problem does this paper attempt to address?
Las utilidades del transporte con bestias en el Reino de Granada. Una primera aproximación a través del Catastro de Ensenada
Raúl Ruiz Álvarez
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18239/vdh_2022.11.19
Vínculos de Historia Revista del Departamento de Historia de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
Abstract:El objetivo de este artículo es estudiar la utilidad del transporte con bestias en el Reino de Granada en el siglo XVIII, empleando los datos de las Respuestas Generales y el Libro General Secular de Industrial de Granada del Catastro del marqués de la Ensenada. Con este fin se ha contabilizado: número de bestias y utilidades reguladas a los arrieros del reino de Granada usándose una metodología que combina el análisis de la fuente con las Humanidades Digitales (base de datos) y la estadística.Debido a la heterogeneidad de los datos, éstos se clasifican en cinco categorías en función de la información obtenida en relación a la regulación por tráfico, arriero o bestia.Con el fin de evaluar la riqueza de la actividad arriera, se calculan el número de los animales de carga, así como las utilidades ordenadas en niveles de concreción territorial (comarcas y localidades) y en niveles individuales (sujetos catastrales). El análisis de los datos proporciona un punto de partida para la mejor comprensión de la arriería en el reino de Granada, y pone esta actividad en relación con elementos como la pluriactividad, la temporalidad o los polos comerciales-económicos y las principales vías de comunicación interior. Palabras clave: Catastro de Ensenada, Economía, Transporte terrestre, Industrial, Utilidades.Topónimos: Reino de GranadaPeriodo: siglo XVIII ABSTRACTThe objective of this article is to study the use of pack animal transport in the Kingdom of Granada in the 18th century using the data from the Respuestas Generales y el Libro General Secular de Industrial de Granada of the Cadastre of Ensenada. To that end, the following have been listed and quantified: number of beasts, and regulated use by the muleteers of the Kingdom of Granada employing a methodology that combines source analysis with digital humanities (databases) and statistics.Given the the heterogeneous nature of the data, these are classified into five categories, depending on the information obtained with regard to regulation by traffic, muleteer or pack animal.To evaluate the economic impact of muleteering, the following were calculated: number of pack animals, uses at territorial (i.e. counties and towns) and individual level. Analysis of the data provides a starting point for a better understanding of muleteering in the Kingdom of Granada, and relates this activity to elements such as temporality, the commercial-economic hubs and the main internal communication routes. 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Cultural Continuity and Social Resistance: The Chronology of Megalithic Funerary Practices in Southern Iberia
Gonzalo Aranda Jiménez,Águeda Lozano Medina,Marta Díaz-Zorita Bonilla,Margarita Sánchez Romero,Javier Escudero Carrillo
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/eaa.2017.42
European Journal of Archaeology
Abstract:Inspired by the biographical approach to the study of material culture, a radiocarbon dating programme was undertaken to explore the chronology and temporality of the megalithic monuments in south-eastern Iberia. Instead of one or two dates per tomb, the normal way of approaching this complex issue, we carried out a complete radiocarbon dating series of single tombs based on human remains. We focused our attention on four tholos-type tombs in the cemetery of El Barranquete (Almería, Spain). According to the new radiocarbon series modelled in a Bayesian framework, four main conclusions can be drawn: that the cemetery shows a very long period of funerary activity, which began in the late fourth millennium and ended in the last centuries of the second millennium cal bc ; that continuity of ritual practices attained an unexpected importance during the Bronze Age; that interments, which fall into cultural periods that would be unthinkable if only the typological properties of the grave goods were considered, occurred; and that each tomb had a complex and very different biography.
Chronological Study Of Collective Burials In The Northern Iberian Plateau: Analysis Of Radiocarbon Dates On Human Bones From The Megalithic Complex Of La Lora (Burgos, Spain)
Angélica Santa Cruz
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/rdc.2024.19
IF: 6.324
Abstract:This paper offers a temporal analysis of the megalithic group of La Lora in the context of northern Iberian Plateau megalithism. For this purpose, 67 accelerator mass spectrometry radiocarbon (AMS 14 C) dates were obtained on human bone from the minimum number of individuals recovered from nine tombs. This is the first systematic dating project carried out in this dolmen group and has enabled the chronology of the main funerary series to be updated. The results reveal that the actual funerary use dates mainly to the 4th millennium BC, although, as deduced from the archaeological material, some tombs were reused in later periods. Additionally, the significant architectural polymorphism of the group, consisting mainly of simple dolmens and large corridor tombs, suggested a temporal evolution to monumentality. However, the dating shows a more complex reality, since it is likely that the large tombs functioned as funerary pantheons during the 4th millennium BC, characterized by a cyclical and recurrent use. In contrast, the simpler structures were preferred to be of shorter use and restricted to the first half of the 4th millennium.
geochemistry & geophysics
Initial Upper Palaeolithic lithic industry at Cueva Millán in the hinterlands of Iberia
Policarpo Sánchez-Yustos,Ana B. Marín-Arroyo,Lee J. Arnold,Luis Luque,Martin Kehl,José Antonio López-Sáez,Ángel Carrancho Alonso,Martina Demuro,Alicia Sanz-Royo,Michael Buckley,José Manuel Maíllo-Fernández,Felipe Cuartero-Monteagudo,Javier Llamazares-González,Mónica Ruiz-Alonso,Reyes Luelmo-Lautenschlaeger,Ernesto García-Soto,Manuel Alcaraz-Castaño
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-69913-3
IF: 4.6
Scientific Reports
Abstract:The extended period of coexistence between Neanderthals and Homo sapiens in Europe coincided with the emergence of regionally distinctive lithic industries, signalling the onset of the Upper Palaeolithic. The Iberian Peninsula was on the periphery of pioneering Upper Palaeolithic developments, with archaeological remains primarily found in northern territories. We report the discovery of an initial Upper Palaeolithic lithic industry at Cueva Millán in the hinterlands of Iberia. This industry, termed here Arlanzian, not only represents the earliest and southernmost evidence of such industries in Iberia but also lacks a direct counterpart. However, it exhibits chronological and technological parallels with the lithic industries associated with the earliest expansion of Homo sapiens throughout Eurasia. We interpret this as potential evidence of its intrusive nature, but not necessarily associated with a migration event, as more complex scenarios derived from inter-population connectivity must be also considered. The biological identity of the Arlanzian makers remains unknown, but they coexisted with declining Neanderthal groups from neighbouring territories.
multidisciplinary sciences
MIS5-MIS3 Neanderthal occupations at Amalda III cave (Northern Iberian Peninsula)
Joseba Rios-Garaizar,Laura Sánchez-Romero,Martín Arriolabengoa,Alfonso Benito-Calvo,Isabel Expósito,Miren Del Val,Theodoros Karambaglidis,Ana B. Marín-Arroyo,Carlos Pérez-Garrido,Elene Arenas-Sorriqueta,Aleix Eixea,Asier Gómez-Olivencia,Lucía Agudo-Pérez,Aixa San Emeterio,Antxieta Arkeologi Taldea
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2024.108666
IF: 4.456
Quaternary Science Reviews
Abstract:The arrival, occupation, and disappearance of Neanderthals in the Cantabrian region is the subject of a long-running debate that continues to this day. Knowledge of the evolution of Neanderthal societies since the end of the Middle Pleistocene in the north of the Iberian Peninsula is greatly impacted by the scarcity of a good chronological framework. This absence of good data creates difficulties in evaluating the cultural adaptations of these populations to environmental changes and their historical dynamics. The Amalda III cave, surveyed in 1983-84, contains a sequence of occupations ranging from the end of MIS5 (Levallois with Mousterian points and bifaces) to the beginning of MIS3 (Vasconian). It is possible to observe substantial changes in the environmental conditions and cultural responses of Neanderthal groups that inhabited the cave. Here we present the first results of the Amalda III sequence, which is currently being excavated by an interdisciplinary team. Our objective is to test, enrich and refine the regional environmental and Neanderthal cultural framework and the transformations that took place between the MIS5 and the MIS3. These new data are compared with the information available from several Middle Paleolithic sites in the region, advancing our understanding of the behavioural adaptations of Neanderthals to different ecological and socio-cultural situations between ca. 100 and 45 kyr BP in the Eastern Cantabrian region. In this way, we will be able to deepen our interpretation of the processes of cultural change of the last groups of Neanderthals that inhabited this region.
geosciences, multidisciplinary,geography, physical
La experimentación como herramienta para el estudio de la alfarería de la transición pampeano-patagónica oriental (Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Erika Borges Vaz,Gustavo Martínez,Lucas Pereyra Domingorena
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/laq.2024.2
Latin American Antiquity
Abstract:Resumen En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de estudios experimentales realizados en pastas cerámicas con el objetivo de comprender las elecciones técnicas realizadas por los grupos cazadores-recolectores que habitaron el curso inferior del Río Colorado (transición pampeano-patagónica oriental) en los últimos 2000 años aP aproximadamente. A tal efecto, con la guía de ceramistas locales, se realizaron ensayos tanto en el campo como en el laboratorio, empleando materias primas (arcillas y arenas) obtenidas del área de estudio. Durante las tareas de campo se realizó el testeo inicial y la cocción de las materias primas, actividades que se repitieron en el laboratorio. A esto se agregó una batería de estudios arqueométricos (e.g., petrografías, DRX, FTIR, SEM-EDAX) cuyos resultados fueron comparados con la información arqueológica del área. En este sentido, la composición de las materias primas, las temperaturas y condiciones de quema, así como los patrones tecnológicos de las pastas experimentales, son concordantes con las registradas en las cerámicas arqueológicas. La integración de estos datos indicaría la producción preponderantemente local de las vasijas como también la transmisión de una práctica alfarera a lo largo del Holoceno tardío.
Not only domestic spaces: dismantling short‐term occupations in Level 497D of Cova Gran de Santa Linya (Pre‐Pyrenees, Spain)
Laura Sánchez‐Romero,Jorge Martínez‐Moreno,Alfonso Benito‐Calvo,Javier Sánchez‐Martínez,Rafael Mora Torcal
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/jqs.3648
Journal of Quaternary Science
Abstract:The Early Upper Paleolithic Level 497D of Cova Gran (Pre‐Pyrenees, Spain) comprises large assemblages of lithics, fauna, hearths, ash accumulations and well‐preserved refitting sequences. This provides exceptional information to analyze spatial patterns and deepen our understanding of the socio‐economic behavior of these human groups. This large interdisciplinary dataset has allowed us to carry out a detailed spatial study based on density analysis, geostatistics, fabric analysis and orientation techniques, revealing a structuring of the activities performed within the rock shelter. The distribution and accumulation of lithic artifacts, fauna and refits, and their association with the 10 hearths and ash accumulations, show that different types of activities were developed at the site, as well as showing the different uses of the hearths. 497D is a palimpsest where several short‐term occupations and/or activities could have occurred in a relatively short period of time, avoiding prolonged exposure to biotic and abiotic post‐depositional factors that could have significantly disturbed this well‐preserved assemblage. This level shows a place visited several times in relation to the development of specific activities, with movements throughout the landscape for the exploitation of local and regional resources, and less so its use as a domestic space. This implies that the central settlement, or dwelling space, would have been located somewhere other than Cova Gran.
geosciences, multidisciplinary,geography, physical
Nobody's land? The oldest evidence of early Upper Paleolithic settlements in inland Iberia
Nohemi Sala,Manuel Alcaraz-Castaño,Martin Arriolabengoa,Virginia Martínez-Pillado,Ana Pantoja-Pérez,Antonio Rodríguez-Hidalgo,Edgar Téllez,Miriam Cubas,Samuel Castillo,Lee J. Arnold,Martina Demuro,Mathieu Duval,Andion Arteaga-Brieba,Javier Llamazares,Juan Ochando,Gloria Cuenca-Bescós,Ana B. Marín-Arroyo,María Martín Seijo,Luis Luque,Carmen Alonso-Llamazares,Mikel Arlegi,Manuel Rodríguez-Almagro,Cecilia Calvo-Simal,Beatriz Izquierdo,Felipe Cuartero,Leire Torres-Iglesias,Lucía Agudo-Pérez,Alfonso Arribas,José S. Carrión,Donatella Magri,J.-X. Zhao,Adrián Pablos
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.ado3807
IF: 13.6
Science Advances
Abstract:The Iberian Peninsula is a key region for unraveling human settlement histories of Eurasia during the period spanning the decline of Neandertals and the emergence of anatomically modern humans (AMH). There is no evidence of human occupation in central Iberia after the disappearance of Neandertals ~42,000 years ago until approximately 26,000 years ago, rendering the region "nobody's land" during the Aurignacian period. The Abrigo de la Malia provides irrefutable evidence of human settlements dating back to 36,200 to 31,760 calibrated years before the present (cal B.P.) This site also records additional levels of occupation around 32,420 to 26,260 cal B.P., suggesting repeated settlement of this territory. Our multiproxy examination identifies a change in climate trending toward colder and more arid conditions. However, this climatic deterioration does not appear to have affected AMH subsistence strategies or their capacity to inhabit this region. These findings reveal the ability of AMH groups to colonize regions hitherto considered uninhabitable, reopening the debate on early Upper Paleolithic population dynamics of southwestern Europe.
multidisciplinary sciences
Re-evaluating the human remains from El Bosquet cave (Mont-ral, Tarragona, Spain): healed trauma and forgotten past
Miguel Ángel Moreno-Ibáñez,Raquel Hernando,Marta Yustos,John C Willman,Josep M Vergès
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1127/anthranz/2024/1782
Abstract:During the early development of archaeology in Spain, many of the materials obtained from excavations were later forgotten in museum deposits. However, re-investigation of these collections with contemporary methodologies can still contribute valuable knowledge. This study presents the case of El Bosquet Cave (Mont-ral, Tarragona, Spain), located in the Northeastern Iberian Peninsula. This cave was excavated and documented in 1956 and the recovered materials were transferred, years later, to the Reus Museum, where they are currently located. Our results provide a more precise Middle Bronze Age chronology for the site in addition to bioarchaeological conclusions on the human remains from four individuals. Of note is a healed mandibular fracture in one of the individuals. Trauma observed in human skeletal remains reflect the conditions and risks of human groups in relation to daily activities or may be the result of interpersonal violence. In the Iberian Peninsula there are very few documented cases of mandibular fractures in prehistoric populations. This study contributes to the knowledge of the populations of the recent prehistory in the region of Catalonia and highlights the importance of reanalyzing the collections that are deposited and, in many cases forgotten, in the different museums of the territory.
Valdeprovedo open-air site: a knapping event in the early Upper Paleolithic of the Sierra de Atapuerca (Burgos, Spain)
Marta Santamaría,Marta Navazo,Alfonso Benito-Calvo,Alicia Medialdea,Eudald Carbonell
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12520-023-01927-w
IF: 2.213
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences
Abstract:In this paper, we present the site of Valdeprovedo (Sierra de Atapuerca, Burgos), an open-air Paleolithic site. This site is attractive for study and research for three main reasons. First, it is an open-air site with an extraordinarily well-preserved lithic assemblage that corresponds to a very short-lived event. Second, in this small area, refits have been achieved with a high refitting rate, which allows us to reconstruct the action carried out in this place during a specific moment, around 28 ka. And third, this is the first site of this chronology that has been documented in the Sierra de Atapuerca, providing new data on the inland population of the Iberian Peninsula by Upper Paleolithic groups.
geosciences, multidisciplinary,anthropology
Coins from the multi-stratified medieval site of Reccopolis: analysis of long-term numismatic records
Manuel Castro-Priego,Pilar Diarte-Blasco,Lauro Olmo-Enciso
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/17546559.2023.2245392
Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies
Abstract:The relationship between numismatic research and archaeological stratigraphy is one of the most significant resources for defining the economic and social mechanisms of the Middle Ages. A numismatic assemblage comprising 146 coins – mostly unpublished – recovered from the late sixth-century Visigothic settlement of Reccopolis in Guadalajara, Spain, is the focus of this study. Through characterisation of the deposits and monetary finds it has been possible to establish a contextual interpretation in which indicators of durability, continuity and rituality in the use of currency can be observed. In connection with this, a substantial number of coins have been found concentrated in specific sectors of the site, especially in the neighbourhood of the church, where the foundational value of some hoards has been reinterpreted. This study establishes a constant connection between chronological dating and stratigraphic contextualisation, exploring the complex periods of continuity in use of certain specimens, while also stressing the importance of interpreting coinage within wider material assemblages.
Chalcolithic/Early Bronze Age And Additional Magdalenian Radiocarbon Dates For El Mirón Cave (Ramales De La Victoria, Cantabria, Spain). Date List Vii
Manuel R González Morales,Borja González-Rabanal,Igor Gutiérrez-Zugasti,David Cuenca-Solana,Lawrence G Straus
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/rdc.2023.123
IF: 6.324
Abstract:There are now 101 radiocarbon dates from the long Paleolithic and post-Paleolithic culture-stratigraphic sequence in El Mirón Cave, Cantabrian Spain. Here we report on two dates on bone from two different humans whose remains were found in disturbed surface sediments in the cave vestibule rear and that confirm the existence of burials in addition to previously reported residential occupations in the vestibule front pertaining to the Chalcolithic and early Bronze Age periods (ca. 5500–3500 cal BP). In another attempt to resolve problems of stratigraphic incoherence of dates from the early Magdalenian periods in the vestibule rear, six new assays on faunal remains from Levels 119, 117, 114, 108, and 106 were run at Queen's University in Belfast. There continue to be date inversions in the Lower Magdalenian range of levels that may be explained by a combination of intensive anthropic and rodent activity, major rock fall, slope wash and gravity-caused object movements, as well as possible problems in following some thin levels during excavations over a large area and across many years of work in the cave vestibule interior, particularly in the absence of any layers that are culturally sterile or even poor. Nonetheless, the coherent age of the Initial Magdalenian is fully confirmed by a new date from Level 21 in the vestibule front at ca. 22,000–20,500 cal BP), as is the general age range of the Lower Magdalenian (ca. 20,500–18,000 cal BP).
geochemistry & geophysics
Colónias para homens novos: arqueologia da colonização agrária fascista no noroeste ibérico
Xurxo Ayán Vila,José Mª Señorán Martín
DOI: https://doi.org/10.21747/978-989-8970-25-1/arqa158
Abstract:From a comparative approach, we propose in this communication an Archaeology of some of the agrarian colonies implanted in the northwest of the Iberian peninsula: Lamas (Paredes de Coura), the colonization project of the wastelands of Montalegre and Boticas (Barroso) and the Plan de Colónización de la Tierra Llana (Lugo, Galicia). Despite being an area that shares common characteristics (same climate, small landowners, marginality), the solutions adopted have generated different materialities. From the Archaeology of the Recent Past, recently developed in Portugal, we raised theoretical and methodological questions for the study of this type of contemporary domestic space. This research is carried out within the scope of the Archaeology of Contemporary Past and Heritage Socialization project, funded by FCT (CEECIND / 04218/2017)
First modern human settlement recorded in the Iberian hinterland occurred during Heinrich Stadial 2 within harsh environmental conditions
M Alcaraz-Castaño,J J Alcolea-González,M de Andrés-Herrero,S Castillo-Jiménez,F Cuartero,G Cuenca-Bescós,M Kehl,J A López-Sáez,L Luque,S Pérez-Díaz,R Piqué,M Ruiz-Alonso,G-C Weniger,J Yravedra
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-94408-w
Abstract:As the south-westernmost region of Europe, the Iberian Peninsula stands as a key area for understanding the process of modern human dispersal into Eurasia. However, the precise timing, ecological setting and cultural context of this process remains controversial concerning its spatiotemporal distribution within the different regions of the peninsula. While traditional models assumed that the whole Iberian hinterland was avoided by modern humans due to ecological factors until the retreat of the Last Glacial Maximum, recent research has demonstrated that hunter-gatherers entered the Iberian interior at least during Solutrean times. We provide a multi-proxy geoarchaeological, chronometric and paleoecological study on human-environment interactions based on the key site of Peña Capón (Guadalajara, Spain). Results show (1) that this site hosts the oldest modern human presence recorded to date in central Iberia, associated to pre-Solutrean cultural traditions around 26,000 years ago, and (2) that this presence occurred during Heinrich Stadial 2 within harsh environmental conditions. These findings demonstrate that this area of the Iberian hinterland was recurrently occupied regardless of climate and environmental variability, thus challenging the widely accepted hypothesis that ecological risk hampered the human settlement of the Iberian interior highlands since the first arrival of modern humans to Southwest Europe.
The pattern of use of stone and copper in central Spain during the Bronze Age
Arturo Ruiz-Taboada,Ignacio Montero
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1179/146195700807860882
European Journal of Archaeology
Abstract:This article discusses the production, distribution and consumption of stone and copper during the Bronze Age in La Mancha. It reviews the archaeological record regarding commodity exchange within this territory in relation to other regions of the Iberian Peninsula. It discusses the results of the analyses of grindstones and metal objects collected along the north-eastern edge of La Mancha, close to the Tagus valley. The materials analysed were obtained from museum collections and recent excavations carried out in this area. We propose a new regionally-based economic model for these resource exploitation activities.
From the Mountain and the Sea: Provenance of the Stones of the Prehistoric La Pastora Tholos (Valencina de la Concepción, Seville, Spain)
Luis Miguel Cáceres,Teodosio Donaire,Samuel Ramírez-Cruzado,Juan Manuel Vargas,Fernando Muñiz,Mónica Martín,Joaquín Rodríguez-Vidal,Francisco Ruiz,Leonardo García Sanjuán
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/min14020194
IF: 2.5
Abstract:La Pastora tholos is the most complete and characteristic megalithic monument of the Valencina de la Concepción-Castilleja de Guzmán mega-site. This monument was built using three types of rock, each with different functions and coming from three different places: Paleozoic quartzarenite, granite, and Tertiary calcareous sandstone. A detailed petrological study of the rocks of the tholos and outcrops of similar rocks in the surroundings has been carried out, locating the possible source areas in areas at least 30 km to the N of the monument for the quartzarenite, 15 km for the granite, and 15 km to the S for the sandstone. Therefore, the community that built the monument has a high knowledge of the nature by, which allows them to locate these resources, and a sufficient social organization to exploit them and move them to the mega-site. In this sense, the layout of the outcrops suggests the possible use of boats or rafts to facilitate their displacement, or at least part of their movement.
geochemistry & geophysics,mineralogy,mining & mineral processing
Recovering a lost seismic disaster. The destruction of El Castillejo and the discovery of the earliest historic earthquake affecting the Granada region (Spain)
Paolo Forlin,Klaus Reicherter,Christopher M. Gerrard,Ian Bailiff,Alberto García Porras
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0300549
IF: 3.7
Abstract:This paper discusses recent archaeological fieldwork conducted at El Castillejo, a medieval Islamic settlement in Los Guájares, Granada, southern Spain. Results from combined archaeological excavation and archaeoseismological assessment of standing structures suggest that the site was affected by a destructive earthquake during its occupation. Radiocarbon samples and OSL analysis point to a seismic event in the period CE 1224–1266. The earthquake occurred within an area marked by a ‘seismological gap’ in terms of historic seismicity and the causative fault has been tentatively identified in the Nigüelas-Padul Fault System which lies north of the settlement. This event is not recorded by national or European seismic catalogues and represents the oldest historic earthquake in the Granada area. Our work stresses the significant impact that targeted archaeological investigations can generate in our understanding of the local historic seismicity, thus providing clear implications for seismic disaster prevention and reduction.
multidisciplinary sciences
The earliest human occupation of Atapuerca in the European context
Eudald Carbonell,Xosé Pedro Rodríguez-Álvarez,Josep M. Parés,Rosa Huguet,Jordi Rosell
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anthro.2024.103233
Abstract:The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the body of knowledge on the first human occupations predating MIS 21 in the Atapuerca karst system. These occupations are described in terms of their ecological, cultural and technological context based on the Sima del Elefante and Gran Dolina sites. This paper focuses on the lower units of these sedimentary infills, specifically Unit TE9 of Sima del Elefante and Unit TD4 of Gran Dolina. In addition, evidence of the earliest human settlements in Europe is reviewed and hypotheses about the dynamics and intensity of that settlement are proposed.
Examining Neanderthal and carnivore occupations of Teixoneres Cave (Moià, Barcelona, Spain) using archaeostratigraphic and intra-site spatial analysis
Leandro Zilio,Heidi Hammond,Theodoros Karampaglidis,Laura Sánchez-Romero,Ruth Blasco,Florent Rivals,Anna Rufà,Andrea Picin,M. Gema Chacón,Martina Demuro,Lee J. Arnold,Jordi Rosell
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-83741-9
IF: 4.6
Scientific Reports
Abstract:Abstract Teixoneres Cave (Moià, Barcelona, Spain) is a reference site for Middle Palaeolithic studies of the Iberian Peninsula. The cave preserves an extensive stratigraphic sequence made up of eight units, which is presented in depth in this work. The main goal of this study is to undertake an initial spatial examination of Unit III, formed during Marine Isotope Stage 3, with the aim of understanding spatial organization and past activities developed by Neanderthals and carnivores (bears, hyenas and smaller carnivores). The total sample analysed includes 38,244 archaeological items and 5888 limestone blocks. The application of GIS tools allows us to clearly distinguish three geologically-defined stratigraphic subunits. Unit III has been previously interpreted as a palimpsest resulting from alternating occupation of the cave by human groups and carnivores. The distribution study shows that faunal specimens, lithic artefacts, hearths and charcoal fragments are significantly concentrated at the entrance of the cave where, it is inferred, hominins carried out different activities, while carnivores preferred the sheltered zones in the inner areas of the cave. The results obtained reveal a spatial pattern characterized by fire use related zones, and show that the site was occupied by Neanderthals in a similar and consistent way throughout the ˃ 7000 years range covered by the analysed subunits. This spatial pattern is interpreted as resulting from repeated short-term human occupations.
multidisciplinary sciences
The Escaramayu Complex: A Prehispanic Metallurgical Establishment in the South Andean Altiplano (Escara, Potosi, Bolivia), Ninth to Fifteenth Centuries AD
Pablo Cruz,Heather N. Lechtman,Claudia Rivera-Casanovas
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/laq.2022.77
Latin American Antiquity
Abstract:Archaeological research carried out in the altiplano locale of Escaramayu (in the community of Escara, Potosí, Bolivia), revealed a prehispanic metallurgical establishment (ninth to fifteenth centuries AD) for the extractive processing of copper ores and, to a lesser extent, lead-silver ore exploited at the nearby Pulacayo mine. The number and variety of metallurgical equipment identified in this establishment for smelting metallic ore and for refining the metal indicate a deep level of technological experience and experimentation among the resident Escaramayu metalworkers during the Middle Horizon (MH) and Late Intermediate periods (LIP). In Escaramayu we find the first known antecedents of Andean wind furnaces (wayras) and a model of a prehispanic reverberatory furnace that was widely used in the southern Andean altiplano during the colonial period.