Analysis of the chemical and biological characteristics and their relationship with the yield of radish (Raphanus sativus L.) nourished with compost based on plant residues
D D Cruz Nieto,D E Natividad Huasupoma,J U Romero Menacho,C L Aponte Guevara,J V Nunja García,M C Saucedo López,E T Castañeda Chirre,C M Caira Mamani,H J Castro Bartolomé,M N Morales Alberto,V C Vargas Godoy,J M More López,G P Lacherre Rodriguez
Abstract:The increase in fertilizer prices was 20% after the pandemic, which increased the cost of crop production in Peru. For this reason, research was conducted on the analysis of the chemical and biological characteristics and their relationship with the yield of radish nourished with compost based on plant residues. The objective was to analyze the chemical and biological characteristics and their relationship with the yield of radish nourished with vegetable waste-based compost. It is based on the methodology applied with an experimental approach; therefore, the statistical model of the Completely Randomized Block Design was used, which consisted of 3 blocks and 5 treatments that were T1 with 0, T2 with 4, T3 with 6, T4 with 8 and T5 with 10 t/ha of compost based on vegetable residues, and the doses were applied 14 days after sowing. Physical characteristics (total plant length, plant weight, bulb equatorial diameter and marketable yield), nutrient concentrations (nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, molybdenum, iron, manganese, copper, zinc, boron, chlorides and sodium) in leaves and stomata density were evaluated. The results determined that T5 stood out in total plant length with 28.07 cm, plant weight with 75 g, bulb equatorial diameter with 4.52 cm and commercial yield with 22.53 t/ha. In the total contribution of nitrogen in relation to yield with 300.44 kg/ha. Profitability with 186.8%. Quantification of stomata per treatment with 598 stomata/mm2 and concentration of nutrients in leaves at T3 with nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus and magnesium. It concludes that T5, which has an adequate concentration of nutrients in leaves such as magnesium, manganese, zinc and stomata density of 598 stomata/mm2 influenced optimal biochemical reactions that resulted in the highest yield with 22.53 t/ha, differing by 31.38% in relation to T1.