Features of Neurodynamic and Psychophysiological Functions of Children with Different Levels of Visual and Auditory Perception 5-7 Years Old

А. S. Kolesnyk,І. O. Kalуnychenko
DOI: https://doi.org/10.31651/2076-5835-2018-1-2022-1-12-21
Abstract:Introduction. The period from 5 to 7 years attracts special attention from scientists, as it is a sensitive and critical stage of individual development of the child's body.Most domestic and foreign scholars emphasize the need of selecting the content, forms and methods of teaching in accordance with age and gender. However, the peculiarity of the study is that during training should also take into account the psycho-physiological and neurodynamic characteristics of the development of participants in the educational process and adjust teaching methods based on them for more effective perception of certain information by children.The formation of visual and auditory perception for children 5-7 years, as an indicator of readiness, is one of the main cognitive functions, which is formed due to interanalytic complexes of nerve connections and maturity of the cerebral cortex.Therefore, significant attention should be paid to the invariant and variable component of the "New Ukrainian School" of the Standard curriculum of general secondary education for grades 1-2 and preschools, developed under the leadership of O. Savchenko [1], for improving cognitive development and prevention of maladaptation changes in the body during training.Purpose. The aim is to study the features of neurodynamic and mental functions of children of preschool and primary school age with different levels of visual and auditory perception.20 Серія «Біологічні науки», 202 2Methods. The observation was carried out on children aged 5-7 of two educational institutions "Secondary schools of I degrees - preschool educational institutions" No 41 and No42 of Sumy (n = 246).The method of assessment of auditory memory "Learning 10 words" (A.R. Luria, 1973) for informative study of memory was chosen. Determination of the volume of visual random memory was performed according to the method of Shipitsyna LM.M.V. Makarenko’s method on the computer complex “Diagnost-1” was used to determine individual-typological features of higher nervous activity of children.Results. The highest rate of auditory memory was recorded for children aged 6 and 7 years, in contrast to children aged 5 years, in whom the development of cognitive processes was carried outthrough visual perception. Children 5 years of age had longer latent periods obtained during sensorimotor response of varying complexity and lower results of SNP, FRNP, PGM during mental stress in contrast to children 6 and 7 years.A similar trend was also observed among boys aged 5-7 compared to girls in this age group.According to the results of neurodynamic studies, it was found that the best values of SNP, FRNP, PGM and shorter latent periods of SVMR, RC1-2, RC1-3, RC2-3 were obtained for individualswith high levels of visual and auditory perception.Originality. The idea of neurodynamic and psychophysiological functions of children 5-7 years with different levels of visual and auditory perception is expanded.Conclusions. The importance of psychophysiological and neurodynamic functions of children 5-7 years with different levels of visual and auditory perception to prevent maladaptation in the educational process was substantiated.Key words: children; cognitive development; functional mobility of nervous processes; strength of nervous processes; sensorimotor systems.
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