Characteristics of the preservative effect of various biological drugs in the preparation of feed from perennial legumes

V. P. Klimenko,S. A. Malyarenko,,
Abstract:In many regions of our country, silage and haylage from herbs in the rations of cattle occupy more than 50 % in nutritional value. They are characterized by an optimal concentration of dry matter, crude protein and energy. These feeds are well eaten and digested by animals and have a long storage life, which allows them to be used throughout the year. Alfalfa, meadow clover and other perennial legumes have a high nutritional value when harvesting in the early phases of vegetation, the content of crude protein in which reaches 18,4-26,7 %, and the metabolic energy exceeds 10,4 MJ in the dry matter of the herbage. The purpose of the research was to compare the eff ectiveness of biological drugs used in silage and haylage making of the main types of high-protein legumes and grass mixtures based on them, to identify the most promising in terms of preserving effect, effect on feed digestibility and animal productivity. Comparative tests have been carried out to assess the effectiveness of using a number of modern biological products for canning diff erent types of unsilable and diffi cult silable legumes. Experimental data have been obtained on the eff ect on the safety, quality, digestibility and productive eff ect of the obtained feed when fed in the rations of highly productive lactating cows. The preservative eff ect of a new domestic enzyme-bacterial drug in the silage of perennial legumes has been studied, the optimal dose of application and conditions for eff ective use have been established. In order to increase the volume and increase the profitability of milk production, it is advisable to include in the rations of lactating cows silage prepared from air-dried alfalfa with the addition of a domestic biological drug Biotrof-111 in the dose recommended by the manufacturer.
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