The Ancient İranian Sources of the İshraq Philosopher Suhrawardi
Din ve Bilim - Muş Alparslan Üniversitesi İslami İlimler Fakültesi Dergisi
Abstract:Those who pursue knowledge and truth have not hesitated to spend their lives in this search. Philosophers who emphasize eternal wisdom have stated that this wisdom exists constantly, and, in this respect, it is a universal knowledge. One of these thinkers, the founder of the Ishraq philosophy, Ebü'l-Fütûh Şihâbüddîn Yahyâ b. Abyssinian b. Emîrek es-Sühreverdî el-Maktûl (d. 587/1191) says that wisdom first appeared with Hermes and then gave life to ancient Greece and ancient Iran. It is accepted that Hermes, a historical personality, received this wisdom and spread it to the earth by contacting with the creator. Thus, it is accepted that this wisdom, which is considered divine and eternal, spread to ancient Greece in the West and ancient Iran in the East. After Islam, many thinkers composed original works by combining wisdom and philosophy with their own understanding of culture and civilization. Among these philosophers, Suhrawardi is one of the important names who refer to eternal knowledge with the originality of his works and the sources they are based on. Suhrawardi says that he is the heir of this wisdom, which he believes comes from ancient Greece and ancient Iran. As a matter of fact, according to Suhrawardi, the philosophy of Ishraq is the philosophy of ancient Iran and ancient Greece, and he states that he revives this philosophy. The subject of this article is the ancient Iranian sources, seen by Suhrawardi as the Eastern side of eternal wisdom. This study is limited to the influence of Keyûmers, Ferîdun, Keyhüsrev and Zarathustra, who are seen as wise kings in ancient Iran, on Suhrawardi texts. After revealing how Keyûmers, Ferîdun and Keyhüsrev in ancient Iran were discussed in Pahlavi texts and in the post-Islamic period, the way some concepts of the Zoroastrian tradition were used by Suhrawardî was included. Thus, by tracing the traces of these traditions and names in the philosophy of Ishraq, an attempt was made to reveal the position in which they were seen by Suhrawardi. It was tried to be given by comparative method what kind of a position Suhrawardi gave to these traditions and names in the philosophy of Ishraq. Knowing Suhrawardi's relationship with ancient Iranian thought is important in terms of detecting the traces of the ancient Iranian dimension of eternal wisdom in Ishraq philosophy. So much so that one of the reasons that brought Suhrawardi to the court process in Aleppo was the accusations that he was using ancient Iranian and Zoroastrian concepts even though he was a Muslim. Suhrawardi, on the other hand, believed that he emphasized the supra-historical nature of eternal wisdom by including concepts and symbols used in ancient Iran in his works. Knowing the thought structures of the ancient Iranian sages and determining the way Suhrawardi evaluated the concepts and symbols inherited from this thought are important in terms of revealing the intellectual-historical context of Ishraq philosophy. The relationship between ancient Iran and Suhrawardi texts aims to contribute to the study of the philosophy of Suhrawardi and Ishraq.