Maya Zhulinska
Abstract:The article considers the peculiarities of verbalization of the concept ENVIRONMENT by neologisms that have appeared in English during the last three years. Lexical units of modern English, the emergence of which was due to environmental processes occurring in the world, have been studied. The key notions of the concept ENVIRONMENT have been considered, and its representation by neologisms of modern English has been analyzed. The classification of selected lexical items according to the following groups has been given: “environmental problems and consequences of ecological catastrophe”, “environmental protection measures” and “man in the concept ENVIRONMENT”. It has been found that the group “environmental protection measures” is the most numerous in terms of the number of lexical units of the concept ENVIRONMENT, which testifies to the growing environmental responsibility and active resistance of the society to environmental pollution. It has been determined that the most productive way to form neologisms of the concept ENVIRONMENT is compounding, namely adding the components climate, green, -eco to existing lexical units. It has been found that the considered neologisms can have both positive and negative connotations, which is determined by the meaning of other components of lexical units, as well as the context of use. The paper studies the ways and principles of creating new words of the concept ENVIRONMENT in the vocabulary of the language. Examples of new words and expressions that have only recently appeared in English have been given. The etymology of selected neologisms has been considered. Translation and interpretation of the selected neologisms in Ukrainian has been offered. The ability of the studied new lexical units to be a neological representation of the concept ENVIRONMENT and to reflect the trends of modern society has been justified.
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