Film Tourism, Creative Process and Territorial Entrepreneurship
Eunice Lopes,Jorge Simões,Eunice Duarte,Ana Pacheco,Rúben Loureiro
Abstract:Recognition of the potential of film tourism was manifested by deepening knowledge of this market, given the cultural and tourist dynamics developed, but also through the creation of new tourism products specific to this sector. Film tourism, that is, the tourist activity associated with cinema and television, has been of increasing interest for the promotion of territories. In contemporary times, the interconnections between tourism, space, and media have generated interest, recognizing the occurrence of a distinct type of behaviour, activity, and tourist experience associated with this tourist segment that, through creativity, is manifested in academic entrepreneurship. The parameters of film tourism are multidimensional, generating territorial impacts, but also opportunities and challenges associated with the management and marketing of tourist destinations. Film tourism must be looked at, not only from a demand perspective but also from a supply perspective. This is because cinematographic tourism developed from opportunities generated by cinema understood in this study as an agent that induces travel to cultural and tourist destinations. In this study, carried out geographically in the centre of Portugal, the aim is to present a case study related to cinematographic tourism through the mapping of filming and scenarios where film scenes were recorded in heritage resources, in their relationship with the enhancement of cultural and tourist experience. The main objectives of this study include an approach to film tourism as a factor of entrepreneurship in the territory and verifying the importance of film scenarios in heritage resources as factors of attractiveness and cultural and tourist enjoyment. To achieve both objectives, a quantitative analysis was carried out on residents of a territory where film scenes were recorded. The conclusions identify that the recording of filmic scenes encourages interest in heritage and cultural spaces, with a greater dynamization of these spaces for tourist appropriation and, in turn, the incentive to the creative process and territorial entrepreneurship.