Multi-strange baryon production at mid-rapidity in Pb-Pb collisions at sNN=2.76 TeV

et al. Grynyov B.V., Abelev, B., Adam, J., Adamová, D.
Abstract:The production of Ξ− and Ω− baryons and their anti-particles in Pb–Pb collisions at s NN= 2.76 TeV has been measured using the ALICE detector. The transverse momentum spectra at mid-rapidity (| y|< 0.5) for charged Ξ and Ω hyperons have been studied in the range 0.6< p T< 8.0 GeV/c and 1.2< p T< 7.0 GeV/c, respectively, and in several centrality intervals (from the most central 0–10% to the most peripheral 60–80% collisions). These spectra have been compared with the predictions of recent hydrodynamic models. In particular, the Kraków and EPOS models give a satisfactory description of the data, with the latter covering a wider p T range. Mid-rapidity yields, integrated over p T, have been determined. The hyperon-to-pion ratios are similar to those at RHIC: they rise smoothly with centrality up to< N part>∼ 150 and saturate thereafter. The enhancements (yields per participant nucleon relative to those in pp …
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