Wing Optimisation for a tractor propeller driven Micro Aerial Vehicle
Arjun Sharma,Roddam Narasimha
Abstract:This paper describes an investigation of the possible benefits from wing optimisation in improving the performance of Micro Air Vehicles (MAVs). As an example we study the Avion (3.64 kg mass, 1.60 m span), being designed at the CSIR National Aerospace Laboratories (NAL), Bengaluru. The optimisation is first carried out using the methodology described by Rakshith \emph{et al.} (using an in\textendash house software PROWING), developed for large transport aircraft, with certain modifications to adapt the code to the special features of the MAV. The chief among such features is the use of low Reynolds number aerofoils with significantly different aerodynamic characteristics on a small MAV. These characteristics are taken from test data when available, and/or estimated by the XFOIL code of Drela. A total of 8 optimisation cases are studied for the purpose, leading to 6 different options for new wing planforms (and associated twist distributions along the wing span) with an improved performance. It is found that the improvements in drag coefficient using the PROWING code are about 5%. However, by allowing the operating lift coefficient $C_L$ to float within a specified range, drag bucket characteristics of the Eppler E423 aerofoil used on Avion can be exploited to improve the endurance, which is a major performance parameter for Avion. Thus, compared to the control wing $W_0$ (with operating point at $C_L$ =0.7) used in the preliminary design, permitting a variation of $C_L$ over a range of $\pm$ 10% is shown to enhance the endurance of wing $W_4$ by 18.6%, and of wing $W_{6}$ with a permitted $C_L$ range of $\pm$ 50% by 39.2%. Apart from the philosophy of seeking optimal operating conditions for a given configuration, the advantages of optimising design parameters such as washout of a simple wing proposed in the preliminary design stage, is also demonstrated.
Systems and Control,Optimization and Control