Problems of protection consumers personal data by domestic enterprises: aspects of social and ethical marketing
Nataliya Kosar,Nataliia Kuzo,Anastasiia Kyrylenko,,,
Marketing and Digital Technologies
Abstract:In modern conditions society pays more and more attention to the ethical problems of marketing activities of enterprises. Among these problems the important role belongs to the protection of personal information about consumers and the adequate using of this information. Researches show that people do not pay enough attention to these issues in Ukraine. It can negatively affect the image of enterprises and the attractiveness of their cooperation with foreign partners. Cases of leakage of consumers' personal data at domestic enterprises have been analyzed (with the help of) using secondary marketing information. Most of them are related to the human factor - the actions of their employees. The level of interest of Ukrainian citizens about safety of their personal data has been determined on the basis of collecting primary marketing information using Google Forms. The analysis was the basis for justification of the measures in the field of increasing the level of personal data protection at the enterprise level and the level of individual consumers. Keywords: customer personal data, data protection, social-ethical conception of marketing, privacy policy, social networks. DOI: 10.15276/mdt.3.1.2019.6 Reshetnikova, I.L. (2012). Etychnyi marketynh yak kontseptsiia marketynhovoi diialnosti [Ethical marketing as a marketing concept]. Marketynh i menedzhment innovatsii – Marketing and Management of Innovations, 4, 91–96 [in Ukrainian]. Sokoly, I.I., & Katashynska, M.O. (2014). Sutnist i znachennia sotsialno-etychnoi kontseptsii marketynhu v upravlinni natsionalnym hospodarstvom Ukrainy [Nature and significance of social and ethical marketing concept in the management of national economy Ukraine]. Ekonomichnyi prostir – Economic area, 91, 84–93 [in Ukrainian]. Beliavtseva, M.I., & Vorobiova, V.N. (2006). 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