Conceptual and theoretical foundations of personalised learning
E. F. Zeer,O. V. Krezhevskikh
The Education and science journal
Abstract:Introduction . The urgency of the problem related to personalised learning in future teacher training is associated with the creation of an optimal range of choices in the conditions of intensive development of the informal and non-formal educational environment in the global (interstate) educational space. At the same time, the slogan “teach everyone and everything” is disappearing into the past; instead, the importance of unique specialists, who are able to implement their own pedagogical startups and introduce them into educational practice, is increasing. Aim. The aim of the article is to describe the development and testing of a structural and functional model of personalised learning in education of future teachers. Methodology and research methods. The methodological research framework is based on V. A. Petrovsky’s concept of personology, methodology of nonlinear educational systems and transdisciplinary approach in science and education. In the course of the research, the following tools and methods were used: analysis, comparison and generalisation, the authors’ interpretation of psychological and pedagogical literature in the field of accounting for individual characteristics of the student, structural and functional modelling of pedagogical systems. The method of studying the advanced pedagogical experience of Internet education based on the analysis of open online platforms was applied. During the testing of the structural and functional model of personalised education, 178 students (1st–5th year students) were involved in the educational programme “Preschool Education” of full-time and part-time forms of education at Shadrinsk State Pedagogical University. The analysis of students’ diaries and the final questionnaire were employed to determine whether students were satisfied with the personalization in education. Results. The conceptual and theoretical characteristics of personalised learning are defined: nonlinearity, redundancy, transdisciplinarity, adaptability, openness. The parameters of personalised learning are highlighted: at the level of the subject of social and professional development, the purpose of education, and the content and applied educational technologies. The approbation of the structural and functional model of personalised learning in future teacher training demonstrated a high and average level of satisfaction of students; however, the recorded insufficiency of their own ability to determine the main characteristics of personalized learning was reflected in the quantitative data of satisfaction. Scientific novelty. In contrast to the existing research in the field of individual approach and personalisation in education, a model of personalised learning in education for future teachers is proposed, which allows them to independently design an individual educational route in the current time and to take into account changing cultural and educational needs in the conditions of the modern global educational space in a broad sense and conditionally divided into interuniversity (international and intra-state interuniversity competitions, forums, conferences, etc.), digital (digital online platforms, electronic educational environments), and professional and personal (participation in individual projects). Practical significance. According to the intensive development of the global educational space, it is proposed to integrate the available resources to develop personalised learning in future teacher training.