Guidelines in Wastewater-based Epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2 with Diagnosis
Madiha Fatima,Zhihua Cao,Aichun Huang,Shengyuan Wu,Xinxian Fan,Yi Wang,Liu Jiren,Ziyun Zhu,Qiongrou Ye,Yuan Ma,Joseph K.F Chow,Peng Jia,Yangshou Liu,Yubin Lin,Manjun Ye,Tong Wu,Zhixun Li,Cong Cai,Wenhai Zhang,Cheris H.Q. Ding,Yuanzhe Cai,Feijuan Huang
Abstract:With the global spread and increasing transmission rate of SARS-CoV-2, more and more laboratories and researchers are turning their attention to wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE), hoping it can become an effective tool for large-scale testing and provide more ac-curate predictions of the number of infected individuals. Based on the cases of sewage sampling and testing in some regions such as Hong Kong, Brazil, and the United States, the feasibility of detecting the novel coronavirus in sewage is extremely high. This study re-views domestic and international achievements in detecting SARS-CoV-2 through WBE and summarizes four aspects of COVID-19, including sampling methods, virus decay rate cal-culation, standardized population coverage of the watershed, algorithm prediction, and provides ideas for combining field modeling with epidemic prevention and control. Moreover, we highlighted some diagnostic techniques for detection of the virus from sew-age sample. Our review is a new approach in identification of the research gaps in waste water-based epidemiology and diagnosis and we also predict the future prospect of our analysis.
Quantitative Methods