Pathway Photosynthesis at Low Temperature in Cold-tolerant Atriplex Species 1
M. Caldwell,C. Osmond
Abstract:Two species of Atriplex were grown under low temperature (8 C day/ 6 C night) and high temperature (28 C day/20 C night) regimes. The photosynthetic capacity of these plants was studied as a function of temperature in a leaf gas exchange cuvette. Both species showed substantial photosynthetic capacity between 4 and 10 C and this was not enhanced by growth at low temperatures but rather, was somewhat greater in plants grown at higher temperature. Photosynthetic capacity of low temperature-grown plants at high temperature was greater in Atriplex confertifolia (Torr. and Frem.) S. Watts., a native of cool deserts, than in Atriplex vesicaria (Hew. ex. Benth.) from warmer desert areas. Leaves of both species were also subjected to 4CO% pulsechase and steady-state feeding experiments under controlled temperature conditions. These experiments revealed that the kinetics of carbon assimilation through the intermediates of the C4 pathway is not substantially disrupted at low temperature in either species. There was, however, a substantial interchange of label between aspartate and malate at low temperature which was not evident at high temperature. There was also an increase in the pool sizes of the C4 acids involved in photosynthesis of A. confertifolia. Speculation as to the explanation of these changes and their possible significance in promoting low temperature C4 photosynthesis in these plants is presented. The C4 pathway of photosynthesis has been most commonly associated with plants of tropical or warm and environments, a notion supported by recent statistical evaluation of the percentage of C4 species in regional grass and dicotyledon floras in North America in relation to climatic factors (27, 31). These studies indicate that the occurrence of C4 grasses is best correlated with night temperature during the growing season and that the occurrence of C4 dicotyledons is best correlated with summer pan evaporation. It would be difficult to assess the performance, as opposed to the occurrence, in such a comprehensive way, but the few published studies of C4 photosynthesis as a function of temperature further indicate that most of the grasses examined are low temperature-limited. Thus, several C4 tropical grasses show low temperature compensation points between 6.5 and 10 C (18) and many are chilling-sensitive, showing impaired photosynthesis and Chl breakdown after relatively brief exposure to temperatures to 10 C (20, 24, 30). A C4 dicotyledon, 1 This work was supported by National Science Foundation Grant OIP 75-11312 to M. M. C. under the sponsorship of the U.S.-Australia Agreement for Scientific and Technical Cooperation and by an ANU Visiting Fellowship. 2 Permanent address: Department of Range Science and the Ecology Center, Utah State University, Logan, Utah 84322. Tidestromia oblongifolia, which grows only under high temperature conditions, also shows impaired photosynthesis below 20 C (2). On the other hand, C4 dicotyledons from cool, oceanic environments and from cool desert areas show substantial net CO2 fixation at temperatures below 10 C, although the temperature optimum for photosynthesis may be 25 to 30 C. Atriplex sabulosa from northern Europe (2) and Atriplex confertifolia from the North American Great Basin (4, 22, 33) share these properties, as does the C4 grass, Spartina townsendii, from cool, coastal environments (17). Indeed, there is no fundamental reason why C4 pathway photosynthesis should exclude a species from cool regions (2). The chilling-sensitive, low temperature-limited C4 grasses and dicots investigated to date all appear to be of the "NADP malic enzyme" type C4 plants (8, 9, 11). When treated at low temperature, such plants show substantial changes in the kinetics of '4CO2 assimilation via the C4 pathway, and marked changes in chloroplast ultrastructure and properties (4, 25, 29). The low temperature-tolerant C4 plants, such as Atriplex species, appear to be mostly of the "NAD malic enzyme" type (8, 11). We have compared photosynthesis and "4CO2 radiotracer kinetics of photosynthesis at low and high temperature in leaves of A. confertifolia and A. vesicaria, from plants grown at low and high temperatures. We present evidence that low temperatures modify the kinetics of C4 pathway carbon assimilation, even in these low temperature-tolerant C4 plants, but do not appear to disrupt the metabolic sequence in the manner observed in chilling-sensitive C4 plants. MATERIALS AND METHODS Plant Material. A. vesicaria Hew. ex. Benth. was cultivated from seed collected near Deniliquin, N.S.W., Australia (35°35'S, 145°2'E, 95 m elev.). A. confertifolia (Torr. and Frem.) S. Wats. was cultivated either from seed or cuttings from shrubs in Curlew Valley of northern Utah (41052'N, 11305'W, 1350 m elev.). Germination and seedling establishment took place in a controlled temperature greenhouse in the CSIRO Phytotron in Canberra at 27/22 C day/night temperatures under natural solar illumination. After establishment in the greenhouse for a period of 3 to 4 weeks, the plants were moved to controlled environment chambers in the Phytotron with illumination by fluorescent and incandescent lights at the highest level available in these cabinets (800-900 ueinsteins m-2 sec-1 400-700 nm). The plants to be grown at high temperature were moved directly into a cabinet at 28/20 C while the plants to be acclimated at low temperature were moved into cabinets in which the temperature was gradually lowered (5 C each 10 to 14 days) until the low temperature regime of 8/6 C was reached. Plants were maintained at the desired growth temperatures for a minimum of 4 weeks before being used in the experiments. Both the state of development and morphology of the plants varied considerably 157 on October 23, 2017 Published by Downloaded from Copyright © 1977 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved. CALDWELL, OSMOND, AND NOTT with growth temperature so that it was neither convenient nor meaningful to use leaves of the same chronological age in the photosynthetic assays or "4CO2-labeling experiments. In any case, all measurements were conducted on young plants which were still producing new leaf material and were not in the reproductive stage. All the plants were grown in a perlitevermiculite mixture and irrigated with aerated Hoagland solution once a day and tap water once a day. In the controlled environment cabinets, the thermoperiod and fluorescent lamps were set for a 12-hr day and the incandescent lamps were illuminated for 16 hr. Plant Gas Exchange Measurements. Net photosynthesis and transpiration were simultaneously measured in a gas exchange cuvette which was described earlier (16, 26). Several leaves of these microphyllous plants were used rather than a single leaf. Irradiation was provided by a metal halide lamp at 1000 + 50 ,ueinsteins m-2 sec-1 (400-700 nm). Leaf temperatures were measured with fine wire thermocouples appressed to the underside of the leaves. Gas exchange rates were normally determined at ambient CO2 concentrations of about 525 ng-cm-3 but in several experiments a range of ambient CO2 concentrations from 0 to 500 ngcm-3 was used. The equation for CO2 flux into the leaf intercellular spaces is r,2 ' + r, ' (1) where Ca and Ci are CO2 concentrations in the air surrounding the leaf and in the leaf intercellular spaces, respectively; r,' and r0' are stomatal and boundary layer resistances for C02; and P is net photosynthetic rate. Leaf resistances for H20 vapor were determined from leaf temperatures, transpiration rates, and absolute humidity of the air and converted to CO2 diffusion resistance (19). In order to compare photosynthetic capacity of leaves in which stomatal diffusion resistance differed, the measured photosynthetic rates were adjusted to account for differences in C,. Rather than assume a linear response of P to Ci between the CO2 compensation point and concentrations approaching ambient levels (6, 7), photosynthetic rates as a function of Ca were determined in the cuvette system and this was then related to P as a function of Ci, where Ci was determined by rearrangement of equation 1. The photosynthetic response curve for A. vesicaria at 23 C as a function of Ci is shown in Figure 1 and is typical of the curves found for other C4 plants. The adjustment of photosynthetic rate to account for differences in stomatal diffusion resistance was made as follows. The adjusted photosynthetic capacity. P' is