Designing The UI/UX of a Website Introducing Traditional Culture Focusing on Dance Using the User-Centered Design Method
M. Wildan Alvian Prastya,Prita Dellia,Saliilun Najib,Wanda Kusumawati,Luqi Syafarina Ningsih,Nurfitria Ningsih
Abstract:Culture is the entire system of ideas, actions and results created by humans in social life that humans possess through the learning process. Introduction to traditional culture is an important part in maintaining and developing the identity of a society. In the digital era, the use of technology as a medium to promote traditional culture is very important. Mahograyasah art studio is one of the art studios or places to learn art which currently has problems, namely in the delivery of material. As a result, learning effectiveness decreases and participants have difficulty mastering the material well. The participants felt it was ineffective to receive the material directly and preferred to practice. However, due to the time and large number of participants, direct practice is difficult. Apart from that, the studio does not provide video tutorials for independent study at home, so participants only rely on learning when practicing in class. To overcome this problem, researchers used the User-Centered Design (UCD) method by developing a web-based prototype. Testing was carried out using the System Usability Scale (SUS). In this research, figma is used to design a website which contains dance material, dance videos, games and locations. The result of this research is a dance learning website prototype for the Mahograyasah studio. Based on prototype testing using the System Usability Scale (SUS) method, the average SUS score obtained was 88. 625. Thus it can be concluded that the Introduction to Traditional Culture learning website focusing on Dance has been accepted and meets the expected criteria.
Keywords:Traditional Culture, Dance, User-Centered Design, prototype, System Usability Scale.