In silico model of infection of a CD4(+) T-cell by a human immunodeficiency type 1 virus, and a mini-review on its molecular pathophysiology
Alfonso Vivanco-Lira,José-Raúl Nieto-Saucedo
Abstract:Introduction. Can the infection due to the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 induce a change in the differentiation status or process in T cells?. Methods. We will consider two stochastic Markov chain models, one which will describe the T-helper cell differentiation process, and another one describing that process of infection of the T-helper cell by the virus; in these Markov chains, we will consider a set of states $\{X_t \}$ comprised of those proteins involved in each of the processes and their interactions (either differentiation or infection of the cell), such that we will obtain two stochastic transition matrices ($A,B$), one for each process; afterwards, the computation of their eigenvalues shall be performed, in which, should the eigenvalue $\lambda_i=1$ exist, the computation for the equilibrium distribution $\pi^n$ will be obtained for each of the matrices, which will inform us on the trends of interactions amongst the proteins in the long-term. Results. The stochastic processes considered possess an equilibrium distribution, when reaching their equilibrium distribution, there exists an increase in their informational entropy, and their log-rank distributions can be modeled as discrete beta generalized distributions (DGBD). Discussion. The equilibrium distributions of both process can be regarded as states in which the cell is well-differentiated, ergo there exists an induction of a novel HIV-dependent differentiated state in the T-cell; these processes due to their DGBD distribution can be considered complex processes; due to the increasing entropy, the equilibrium states are stable ones. Conclusion. The HIV virus can promote a novel differentiated state in the T-cell, which can give account for clinical features seen in patients; this model, notwithstanding does not give account of YES/NO logical switches involved in the regulatory networks.
Molecular Networks,Cell Behavior,Subcellular Processes