Comprehensive silk gland multi-omics comparison illuminates two alternative mechanisms in silkworm heterosis

Han Xu,中山大学深圳校区医学院, 广东 深圳518107, 中国,School of Medicine, Shenzhen Campus of Sun Yat-Sen University, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518107, China,Lei Chen,Xiao-Ling Tong,Hai Hu,Li-Yuan Liu,Gui-Chun Liu,Ya-Nan Zhu,Ruo-Ping Zhao,Wen Wang,Fang-Yin Dai,Xin Li,Hui Xiang,华南师范大学生命科学学院广东省昆虫发育生物学与应用技术重点实验室, 广州市昆虫发育调控与应用研究重点实验室, 昆虫科学与技术研究所, 广东 广州510631, 中国,西北工业大学生态与环境学院, 陕西 西安712100, 中国,西南大学生物技术学院蚕基因组生物学国家重点实验室, 农业农村部蚕业生物学与遗传育种重点实验室, 重庆400715, 中国,中国科学院昆明动物研究所遗传资源与进化国家重点实验室, 云南 昆明650223, 中国,Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Insect Developmental Biology and Applied Technology, Guangzhou Key Laboratory of Insect Development Regulation and Application Research, Institute of Insect Science and Technology, School of Life Sciences, South China Normal University, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510631, China,School of Ecology and Environment, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710072, China,State Key Laboratory of Silkworm Genome Biology, Key Laboratory of Sericultural Biology and Genetic Breeding, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, College of Biotechnology, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China,State Key Laboratory of Genetic Resources and Evolution, Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming, Yunnan 650223, China
Zoological Research
Abstract:Han Xu, Lei Chen, Xiao-Ling Tong, Hai Hu, Li-Yuan Liu, Gui-Chun Liu, Ya-Nan Zhu, Ruo-Ping Zhao, Wen Wang, Fang-Yin Dai, Xin Li, Hui Xiang Heterosis is a common phenomenon in plants and animals with diverse underlying mechanisms. Here, we applied two widely used silkworm hybrid systems and performed multi-omics analysis to identify possible intrinsic associations between different hybrid strategies and epigenetic mechanisms with silkworm heterosis. We found significant differences in the silk gland transcriptomic landscape between the two systems, including differentially expressed genes and expression patterns in the hybrid offspring compared to their parents. In the quaternary hybrid system, hybrid vigor was primarily due to up-regulated genes and the parent-dominant up-regulated expression pattern, involving multiple transport processes, cellular nitrogen compound catabolism, glucose metabolism, and tricarboxylic acid cycle. In the binary system, hybrid vigor was mainly due to the down-regulated genes and transgressively down-regulated expression pattern, mainly involving basic nitrogen synthesis metabolism and body function. We also demonstrated that DNA methylation may affect hybrid vigor by regulating the expression of several heterosis-related genes. Thus, this study revealed two alternative mechanisms that may contribute to silkworm heterosis, both of which facilitate the efficient utilization of energy and nitrogen for silk production. Zoological Research. 2022 43(4): 585-596.
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