Transforming Educational Development Centres into Quality Education Centres
International Journal of Advanced Research in Education and Society
Abstract:Educational Development (ED) also known as Academic Development (AD), Faculty Professional Development (FPD) and Faculty Development (FD)originated out of various context-based needs (student support, academic training, teaching, and learning success) in the different regions of the world. Educational Development (ED) remained outside the mainstream academic life of higher education institutions (HEI) for decades as appendages to learning and teaching transformation agendas. Four decades later, international higher education institutions require radical transformation of the former ED, AD, FPD and FD centres and initiatives to meet the needs of a new era, the ‘age of quality education’ in pursuit of research driven, discipline-integrated quality education approaches at Faculty, School, and College level. The paper presents a critical reflective review of educational development centres /models and highlights the shifting glocal (local and global) needs in HEIs for a comprehensive and integrated learning, teaching, and research approach to quality education. The author proposes that HEIs consider transforming existing centralized hybrid models of ED into discipline-integrated Quality Education Centres (QECs). The hybrid models may include several innovative approaches to institutional quality assurance processes drawn from the Australian Peer Review Portal initiative, the World Bank self-assurance training and development process in Bangladesh higher education, and the “subjects at risk” identification and review process at an Australian -Malaysian transnational university which implemented the PASS program to enhance student success. Discussion concludes with recommendations to establish discipline integrated QECs within institutions that embrace a sustainable, equitable, diverse, and inclusive quality education paradigm.