Mouse Model of Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction Driven by Hyperlipidemia and Enhanced Cardiac Low‐Density Lipoprotein Receptor Expression

Monique Williams,Jose Manuel Condor Capcha,Camila Iansen Irion,Grace Seo,Guerline Lambert,Ali Kamiar,Keyan Yousefi,Rosemeire Kanashiro‐Takeuchi,Lauro Takeuchi,Ali G. Saad,Armando Mendez,Keith A. Webster,Jeffrey J. Goldberger,Joshua M. Hare,Lina A. Shehadeh
Abstract:Background The pathways of diastolic dysfunction and heart failure with preserved ejection fraction driven by lipotoxicity with metabolic syndrome are incompletely understood. Thus, there is an urgent need for animal models that accurately mimic the metabolic and cardiovascular phenotypes of this phenogroup for mechanistic studies. Methods and Results Hyperlipidemia was induced in WT‐129 mice by 4 weeks of biweekly poloxamer‐407 intraperitoneal injections with or without a single intravenous injection of adeno‐associatedvirus 9–cardiac troponin T–low‐density lipoprotein receptor (n=31), or single intravenous injection with adeno‐associatedvirus 9–cardiac troponin T–low‐density lipoprotein receptor alone (n=10). Treatment groups were compared with untreated or placebo controls (n=37). Echocardiography, blood pressure, whole‐body plethysmography, ECG telemetry, activity wheel monitoring, and biochemical and histological changes were assessed at 4 to 8 weeks. At 4 weeks, double treatment conferred diastolic dysfunction, preserved ejection fraction, and increased left ventricular wall thickness. Blood pressure and whole‐body plethysmography results were normal, but respiration decreased at 8 weeks ( P <0.01). ECG and activity wheel monitoring, respectively, indicated heart block and decreased exercise activity ( P <0.001). Double treatment promoted elevated myocardial lipids including total cholesterol, fibrosis, increased wet/dry lung ( P <0.001) and heart weight/body weight ( P <0.05). Xanthelasma, ascites, and cardiac ischemia were evident in double and single (p407) groups. Sudden death occurred between 6 and 12 weeks in double and single (p407) treatment groups. Conclusions We present a novel model of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction driven by dyslipidemia where mice acquire diastolic dysfunction, arrhythmia, cardiac hypertrophy, fibrosis, pulmonary congestion, exercise intolerance, and preserved ejection fraction in the absence of obesity, hypertension, kidney disease, or diabetes. The model can be applied to dissect pathways of metabolic syndrome that drive diastolic dysfunction in this lipotoxicity‐mediated heart failure with preserved ejection fraction phenogroup mimic. With a high and increasing incidence and few effective treatment options, heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) has been designated the greatest unmet medical need in cardiovascular disease. 1 HFpEF accounts for ≥50% of HF diagnoses worldwide, and its complex cause reflects a multisystem as opposed to monolithic disease. 1 Animal models, which are required to dissect the underlying pathophysiology and identify therapeutic targets for HFpEF, must be similarly multifactorial and reflect individual human classes of the disease. Tied with hypertension as the third most important independent risk factor after age and sex, obesity‐driven HFpEF represents a distinct pathophysiological phenotype wherein direct cardiac lipotoxicity may confer cardiac dysfunction. 2 The precise mechanisms involved in diastolic dysfunction driven by excess accumulation of myocardial lipids are unclear and animal models are few. 3 Lipoprotein lipase (LPL) is decreased (Figure 1A) and low‐density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) increased in patients with HFpEF. 4 , 5 Here we describe a novel, reproducible mouse model of rapid‐onset HFpEF wherein hyperlipidemia conferred by pharmacologic inhibition of LPL by poloxamer‐407 (P407), a selective LPL inhibitor, and cardiac‐specific overexpression of the LDLR drive a full spectrum of classic symptoms that are independent of hypertension, diabetes, or kidney disease. Download figure Download PowerPoint Figure 1. Heart failure with presrved ejection fraction features with normal blood pressure were shown by the double treatment mice. A , Representative graph comparing lipoprotein lipase (LPL) gene expression in endomyocardial biopsies obtained from healthy human controls (n=24), patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF, n=41), and heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF, n=30) shows decreased LPL in patients with HFpEF (RNA sequencing data from Hahn et al). 4 B , Representative echocardiography images showing diastolic dysfunction predominantly in the double‐treatment group (n=31) as evidenced by prolonged isovolumic relaxation time (IVRT), decreased MV E/A and MV E/Eʹ compared with untreated (n=26), 407+Adeno‐associatedvirus9–cardiac troponin T–Luciferase (AAV9‐cTnT‐Luciferase, n=11) and Ade -Abstract Truncated-
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