The effect of acute manipulation of carbohydrate availability on high intensity running performance, running economy, critical speed, and substrate metabolism in trained Male runners

Andrius Ramonas,Paul B. Laursen,Micalla Williden,Andrew E. Kilding
European Journal of Sport Science
Abstract:Completing selected training sessions with reduced glycogen availability is associated with greater signalling and improved muscle oxidative capacity, although it may impact the overall quality of the session. We examined the effects of low carbohydrate availability on high intensity exercise performance, running economy, critical speed, and substrate metabolism. On two occasions, nine male runners (в©’O 2peak 60.3вҖүВұвҖү3.3 вҲ’1 .min вҲ’1 ) completed a glycogen depletion protocol involving 90-min at 75%vв©’O 2peak followed by 10вҖүГ—вҖү1-min at 110% vв©’O 2peak . This was followed either by high (HIGH) or low (LOW) carbohydrate intake (>6 вҲ’1 .day вҲ’1 and <50 вҲ’1 , respectively) until completion of a performance protocol on day 2 consisting of a series of time-trials (TT) (50m to 3000m) and physiological assessments. There were no differences between LOW and HIGH for any TT distance (mean TT performance times for LOW and HIGH were: 3000m TT 651.7вҖүВұвҖү52.8s and 646.4вҖүВұвҖү52.5s, 1500вҖ...m TT 304.0вҖүВұвҖү20.2s and 304.2вҖүВұвҖү22.1s, 400вҖ...m TT 67.64вҖүВұвҖү4.2s and 67.3вҖүВұвҖү3.8s, 50вҖ...m TT 7.27вҖүВұвҖү0.44s and 7.25вҖүВұвҖү0.45s, respectively, PвҖү >вҖү0.05), though some athletes performed better in LOW (nвҖү=вҖү5). While fat oxidation in LOW was significantly greater than HIGH (О”0.32вҖүВұвҖү0.14вҖ...g.min вҲ’1 ; PвҖү <вҖү0.001 at 14вҖ вҲ’1 and О”0.34вҖүВұвҖү0.12вҖ...g.min вҲ’1 at 16вҖ вҲ’1 ; PвҖү <вҖү0.01), running economy did not differ between trials ( PвҖү >вҖү0.05). Acute manipulation of carbohydrate availability showed immediate effects on substrate metabolism evidenced by greater fat oxidation without changes in RE. Acute low carbohydrate availability did not affect high intensity running performance across a range of distances. Acute manipulation of muscle glycogen availability using an exercise and dietary manipulation protocol did not affect subsequent high intensity running performance across a range of running distances. Reduced muscle glycogen resulted in a marked increase in fat oxidation in low glycogen condition but no changes in running economy or critical speed. Individual factors should be considered when prescribing high intensity sessions with restricted carbohydrate availability.
sport sciences
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