Development of emoticon design education content for online learning of art subjects by 5th and 6th graders in elementary schools
Jeong Hyun Kim,Seo Lyung Choi,Eun Ryung Hyun,
Korea Institute of Design Research Society
Abstract:As remote communication becomes more active due to the advancement of information and communications technology and the spread of diseases such as COVID-19, the importance of emoticons that convey non-verbal expressions is recognized in social and economic terms. Thus, although emoticon-related education is being provided in school art education, only brief definitions and examples are provided for emoticon-related content, and in-depth design education activities are lacking in terms of content. Above all, after COVID-19, as most classes at schools are conducted in parallel with online classes, art subjects focusing on practical and experiential learning are in need of a change in their implementation methods. Therefore, in this study, emoticon design, a topic that is easy to apply and has the value of timeliness in online classes, was selected as the topic and developed based on the 2015 revised curriculum achievement standards. The main development content elements make up for the shortcomings found in previous research, such as ‘necessity of emoticons, origin of emoticons and concept, materials, design production method, reference materials, and examples of use.’ The developed content was reviewed by three elementary and middle school teachers in the areas of ‘difficulty, suitability for application, and validity of content structure’, and the results were found to be appropriate in all three areas.