Histomorphometric Evaluation of Bone-Guided Regeneration in Maxillary Sinus Floor Augmentation Using Nano-Hydroxyapatite/Beta-Tricalcium Phosphate Composite Biomaterial: A Case Report

Saulo Henrique Salviano,João Carlos Amorim Lopes,Igor da Silva Brum,Lúcio Frigo,Mario josé dos Santos,Sílvio Roberto Consonni,Jorge José de Carvalho
DOI: https://doi.org/10.2147/IMCRJ.S315757
International Medical Case Reports Journal
Abstract:Saulo Henrique Salviano, 1 João Carlos Amorim Lopes, 2 Igor da Silva Brum, 3 Lúcio Frigo, 4 Mario josé dos Santos, 5 Sílvio Roberto Consonni, 6 Jorge José de Carvalho 7 1 Implantology Department, University São Leopoldo Mandic, Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil; 2 Implantology Department, Portuguese Catholic University, Lisboa, Portugal; 3 Implantology Department, State University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, 20550-900, Brazil; 4 Periodontology Department, Universidade Guarulhos, Guarulhos, São Paulo, 07023-070, Brazil; 5 Biology Department, State University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, 20550-900, Brazil; 6 Department of Biochemistry and Tissue Biology, Institute of Biology, State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Campinas, São Paulo, 13083-862, Brazil; 7 Laboratory of Ultrastructure and Tissue Biology, Department of Histology and Embryology, State University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, 20550-900, Brazil Correspondence: Igor da Silva Brum Email Background: The development of techniques in biomaterials design and production added to advanced surgical procedures which enabled better and more predictable clinical outcomes. Maxillary sinus floor augmentation (MSFA) is among the more studied bone-guided regeneration procedure in the literature. The MSFA could be considered the gold standard procedure for bone-guided regeneration as it provides suitable functional and aesthetic solutions to alveolar ridge atrophy due to tooth loss. Purpose: This study aimed to conduct a detailed histomorphometric evaluation of collagen production in SFAs bone-guided regeneration, using nano-hydroxyapatite/ß-tricalcium phosphate (nano-HA/ß-TCP) composite. Patients and Methods: A 52-year-old female had the left upper second premolar condemned due to periodontal disease, then a tooth implant replacement was planned. Due to maxillary sinus pneumatization, the MSFA had to be done before implant placement. Nano-HA/ß-TCP composite (2g) was used in the MSFA procedure. After nine months of the healing process, during the Cone Morse implant installation process, bone samples were collected for histologic analysis (sirius red, hematoxylin/eosin, polarized microscopy). Six months after implant installation, a ceramic crown was installed according to the patient's request. Results: Proper masticatory function and aesthetics were re-established. The histomorphometric evaluation indicated that nano-HA/ß-TCP composite did not show any area devoid of cellular activity in sirius red or hematoxylin/eosin staining and the percentage (%) of new bone collagen fibers was achieved using polarization technique evaluation. Conclusion: According to these results, nano-HA/ß-TCP composite presented clinical and histomorphometric properties suit to be used as bone-guided regeneration biomaterial in MSFA. Furthermore, nano-HA/β-TCP composite provided a favorable nano-environment to bone cells, enhancing bone matrix production. Keywords: implants, sinus lift, alloplastic, graft, nanohydroxyapatite, sirius red The necessity for executing the sinus lift maxilla surgery is still very significant, mainly since many patients extract the teeth from the posterior maxilla region. The responsible technician for the surgery doesn't use any technique of bone guided regeneration, therefore the severe pneumatization maxillary sinus occurs. 1 Currently, countless techniques may be used for returning masticatory function, eg, zygomatic, osteoconduction inter alia, although the most used and documented technique is the lateral window technique because it presents a surgical technique less elaborated and largely known. However, the rupture of the Schneider membrane is a common fact that usually harms the procedure running. 2 Among the materials available on the market for performing the sinus lift maxilla surgery, we can cite the autogenous, xenogenic, autologous, and alloplastic grafts. In this clinic case presented, it was selected a nano biomaterial with synthetic origin (alloplastic) since this biomaterial class has been presenting countless scientific evidence that it's possible to have greater bone and vascular formation in comparison to the other classes. 3,4 Bone regeneration has been studied for a long time due to its relevance in human health and complex cell events involved in the process have emerged from this prolific research field. The medical research field is usually linked to pioneering research and testing new types of biomaterials that may promote effective bone regeneration. 5 Maxillary sinus floor augmentation (MSFA), or maxillary sinus lift, is the clinical p -Abstract Truncated-
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