Multiple Intelligence Theory for Gamification of Online STEM Modules

Andy Junker,Frank U. Ruckert,Xenia Hulsmann
Abstract:Due to the Corona crisis teaching in higher education was shifted to online learning and has changed the lives of learners around the world. Students study in online courses from home and sit in front of technical devices all day. To get the students’ attention teachers need to find new ways of teaching. Smart gamification allows the students to participate in many ways in the lectures. As Howard Gardener states in the Multiple Intelligence Theory people have different intelligence types and need to be activated individually. Lecturers from different universities in Europe have come together to develop and exchange new methods to keep the students active during the STEM lectures and increase their motivation to study ( STEM=science, technology, engineering, mathematics ). Furthermore, students have the chance to collaborate in virtual mobility with students from Germany, Poland, Portugal, and Spain. A tool is needed that gets the students’ attention with addressing different intelligence types Gardener classified, e.g. musical, visual, verbal, logical-mathematical, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalistic, existential . With the WBS LearnSpace 3D® , which is a tool for online working academia, students and lecturers from different countries are brought together on a virtual campus which takes virtual mobility to a next level.
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