Sergey Kovalenko,Natalia Bykovets
Baltic Journal of Economic Studies
Abstract:The purpose of the article is to investigate the essence and significance of the cluster initiative and the cluster policy as tools for strategic development and increasing of the economy competitiveness of the Euroregion “The Lower Danube” based on the analysis of factors providing state support for cluster initiatives in the context of the promotion of the European Union Strategy for the Danube Region. The theoretical and methodological background is the works of Ukrainian and foreign academic economists studying general systems theory, systemic analysis, and also strategic planning methodology at enterprise, regional and national levels. The research is based on the fundamental provisions of economic theory, the theory of strategic planning, institutionalism, regional and global economics, cluster theory, the location theory, the growth pole theory, M. Porter’s competitive theory, networked economy theory, spatial economic agglomeration, as well as modern theoretical developments on the problems of formation and implementation of the Euroregional policy of the EU. The research hypothesis is the assumption that the cluster approach is the most effective mechanism for the development of international economic cooperation in modern conditions and, eventually, the meso-level of competitive cross-border integration systems and a necessary requirement for qualitative growth of Ukraine’s integration into the European Economic Area. The goal statement can be described as a meso-economic synthesis of concepts of the development of innovation clusters and international integration associations. Based on the analysis of problems of formation and development of clusters, the methods and tools of state support of cluster initiatives are explained, and the most important strategic directions of activity of executive bodies aimed at stimulating the processes of formation and development of clusters in the Euroregion “The Lower Danube” are formulated. Cluster policy aimed at stimulating cluster initiatives with a further formation of cross-border innovation clusters can be considered as one of the effective tools for intensifying innovation activity in the Euroregion “The Lower Danube”. The authors conclude that the creation of cross-border clusters in the Euroregion “The Lower Danube” with the participation of Odesa region of Ukraine is associated with the necessity to form a united cross-border area. At the same time, the state is given a leading role in ensuring a favorable cluster environment (including the reduction of barriers to trade) and stimulating international cooperation. It is proposed to develop meso-level integration processes within the Common Economic Space of Euroregions, with the active participation of Ukraine on the basis of a cluster approach, forming cross-border cluster systems based on competition, cross-border cooperation, virtualization of interinstitutional networks and formation of “clouds” of highly efficient intercluster interactions.