A real-time remote safety monitoring system for commercial vehicle operations
Liang Tang,Dihua Sun,Yongfu Li,Weining Liu,Xia Liu,Liping Fu
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1061/41177(415)66
Abstract:This paper describes a GPS-based real-time remote safety monitoring system developed to address some of the critical safety issues related to commercial vehicles and buses, such as trucks, long-distance buses, expressway buses, and dangerous goods vehicles. The main idea behind the proposed system is to transform the conventional passive way of accidents management to an active way of eliminating the potential safety hazards arising in vehicle operations. Specifically, the proposed system involves equipping each fleet vehicle with an OBD (on-board device) to obtain real-time data on the vehicle's operating state, such as position, speed and direction. The collected data are sent to the fleet operations control center through wireless communication network, which can in turn send warnings or alerts to the driver had any incorrect maneuver or impending hazards been detected. This paper provides a detailed discussion about the architecture, components, and functionality of the system. The proposed safety monitoring system has been implemented and field tested in Chongqing, China, which has demonstrated its effectiveness in gathering valuable operational data and reducing vehicle road accidents. © 2011 ASCE.