Ivan Zagoruiko,Lesia Petkova
Proceedings of Scientific Works of Cherkasy State Technological University Series Economic Sciences
Abstract:The article is devoted to the implementation of nonparameterized method of data envelopment analysis (DEA) to the world’s economy as an array of countries with different levels of technological activity. The main purposes of this research are as follows: systematical presentation of methodological foundations of international technology frontier concept, presentation of the main controversial problems of this concept, presentation of the possible future development tendencies. Both the research itself and presented research materials are based on geometrical approach – plane geometry with the elements of projective geometry. This has allowed us to obtain important theoretical results. Firstly, the possibility of “subsequent” usage of DEA method to any data that remain after the exclusion of points with the highest relative efficiency has been illustrated. In relation to the subject at hand this has made it possible to offer the concept of world’s technological frontier with different subtypes. Countries within specific frontier form sequential groups from the most efficient to the least efficient ones. Secondly, the foundations of a new international technological frontier model (ITF model) of virtual countries have been presented. This model functions are the following: after determining the countries with the highest efficiency level, the frontier line modifies itself in a way that allows all country-leaders to move from an angular position to an intermediate position on the modified ITF section. These new sections named “national leaders’ sections” are interpreted as specific production functions that reflect conditions of ITF “neighboring” countries. Virtual countries instead of the real ones become angular points in the model. Based on the model of virtual countries, the known paradoxes, such as the paradox of equal efficiency of lateral frontier sections (which is immanent to any model based on the classical DEA method) and the paradox of technological regression arising from the intersection of ITF lines of different periods, are solved. Thirdly, based on the simultaneous analysis of countries’ states on two sections – the “capital and labor intensity” section and the section of manufacturing function parameters – the method of ITF composition as an envelopment of national manufacturing functions has been created. Comparative analysis of ITF models created with the help of this method and the ITF models based on traditional method of national technological state envelopments has been made.
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