Logistic regression
Fabian Pedregosa, G Varoquaux, A Gramfort, V Michel, B Thirion, O Grisel, M Blondel, P Prettenhofer, R Weiss, V Dubourg, J Vanderplas, A Passos, D Cournapeau, M Brucher, M Perrot, E Duchesnay
Abstract:Logistic regression - Two flavors Page 1 Logistic regression Two flavors Fabian Pedregosa
October 3, 2017 UC Berkeley Page 2 What are the most important methods data science? 1/15
Page 3 Logistic regression Pillar of supervised learning. One of the most common methods Two
motivations • As a probabilistic model. • Mathematical optimization. 2/15 Page 4 Probabilistic
model Page 5 Probabilistic view Motivation: classification problem with two classes. Classes =
”-1” and ”1”, which represent outcomes such as pass/fail, win/lose, alive/dead or healthy/sick,
etc. Despite its name, logistic regression is a model for classification and not regression.
3/15 Page 6 Probabilistic view Motivation: Cancer / no cancer as a function of biomarker. 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 concentration of biomarker 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 probability of cancer 4/15 Page
7 Probabilistic view Motivation: Cancer / no cancer as a function of biomarker. 0 1 2 3 4 5 …